Environmental projects include all projects that are friendly to nature. It is therefore a revitalization of the parks, forest parks, removal of environmental burdens, recovery of the fauna, the construction of ecological and low-energy buildings and a lot of other projects.

Services: - energy consulting - consulting in the field of biogas stations

Services: -safety -guards -real estate management -cleaning services

System of registration and management of waste, hazardous substances and ADR. Comprehensive consulting services: - wastes - ADR - dangerous substances - handling of dangerous substances and mixtures.

Consulting, design, delivery and assembly - heat pumps - photothermal and photovoltaic systems.

Ecological consulting - waste management, water management - nature and air protection.

Services - ecological education and awareness in the field of nature, landscape and local resources - professional and consulting activities in the field of ecology.

Design, installation of gas boilers, heat pumps and solar hot water systems.

Services: - consulting in the field of occupational safety, fire protection, water management and ecology.

Supply of electronics for ecology - control systems for wastewater treatment plants - meteorological stations - surface water monitoring - environmental monitoring.

Sanitation and drying of wet masonry using a non-destructive electrophysical method. Distribution, sales - ecological, electrophysical, industrial digital dehumidification equipment.

Services: - processing of environmental projects - tree species inventory - dendrological surveys - biological evaluations - pedological surveys

Services: - design and consulting work in the field of nature and landscape protection - defining territorial systems of ecological stability biological evaluation according to § 67, in the sense of § 45i of Act 114/1992 Coll. (Act on Nature and Landscape Protection) - implementation projects in the countryside (mainly biocentres, biocorridors ...

Complete services in ecology and waste management.

Ecological and economic use renewable energies.

Activity: - consulting in the field of air protection - services in the field of air protection.

Activity: - processing of the building's energy efficiency certificate (PENB) - kettle subsidy - subsidy program new green savings.

Construction - solar systems - heat pumps - air conditioning Delivery and installation - central heating - boiler Machining

Purchase, processing: - tin waste - tin-lead wastes Services: - consulting in the field of the environment - consulting in the field of OSH and PO Sběrný dvůr, Benešov u Prahy, phone: 777 620 773

Online store, e-shop: - products for saving water - aerators - ECO drug store.

Services - life cycle assessment - environmental studies.

Comprehensive services in the field of environmental protection.

Services: - building projections - engineering - consulting activity - performance of the work safety coordinator - preparation and control of the health and safety plan and construction organization principles - assessing the effects of plans and concepts on the environment -designing electrical devices without voltage ...

Photovoltaic power plants, delivery, assembly - solar thermal systems - heat pumps - water heating.

Sale - central vacuum cleaners - air humidifiers - garbage shredders - mobile air conditioning.

Environmental engineering. Professional services and specializations especially in the technical, organizational, economic and legal fields of the environment.