Environmental projects include all projects that are friendly to nature. It is therefore a revitalization of the parks, forest parks, removal of environmental burdens, recovery of the fauna, the construction of ecological and low-energy buildings and a lot of other projects.

Vodni zdroje Ekomonitor, s.r.o.
The company Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor based in the Chrudim district deals with the liquidation of ecological burdens by means of modern remediation procedures; we maintain a continuous emergency service for leaks of harmful substances and we implement water treatment plants. We conduct hydrogeological surveys and search for and manufacture new water ...
Services: Consultations on the fulfillment of specific obligations, or comprehensive assessment of the company in the form of an environmental audit. EIA notifications and assessments (reference - link) HIA health risk assessment Assessment of risks of ecological damage Evaluation of SEA (spatial plans and their changes) Applications for ...

Construction, implementation, service: - photovoltaic power plants Sale: - photovoltaic panels

Ecological activity: - consultancy in the field of environment, elaboration of reports to IRZ and ISPOP.

Decontamination center. Cleaning of soil, water and sludge polluted by oil substances. Waste management. Place of business: At Rybárná 51/1, Hradec Králové