Are you looking for a pharmacy, tire service or the manufacturer of honey? Information services will facilitate your path for a specific company, because they gather information about all available companies. Call centers, on the contrary they work as a di

- operation of the Živé internet portal - operation of the Proš internet portal - information about companies on the information line 12 612 - creation and sale of software Databank of Czech companies

Online catalog of car showrooms, car dealers.

Internet server with handmade products.

Information Center, member of A.T.I.C. CR. Services: - providing information: - about the city and region, about accommodation, catering and accompanying services - bike rental in and around Vsetín - sale: - tickets for cultural events - tourist maps, promotional materials - souvenirs and printed matter.

Guide to the Iron Mountains - promotion of the region - tips for trips.

Services - outsourcing - bookkeeping - certification of ISO quality standards - call center - welding tests.

Services: - financial analysis and economic consulting - market research - research and information retrieval - surveys and questionnaire surveys - internet marketing

Accommodation portal - list of accommodation in the Czech Republic.

Services - subsidy consultancy in the field of the environment - digital flood portal - learning portal.

Operation of the internet portal

Eurodení is an internet portal, an internet magazine - news from the world.

Services - e-mailing - call centers - sms marketing - direct mail - promotional materials - consultancy - business training.

Services: - operator of the portal for sending data

Prague City Tourism (Prague Information Service) is a modern marketing organization of the capital city of Prague, whose mission is to care for the development of domestic and foreign tourism in the Czech capital.

Operator of the demand portal Buripoptá

We bring information and news from the world of celebrities, technology, music, fashion, motivation and entertainment. Everything you need to know can be found in one place.

Information portal: - Cologne - Kutnohorska - Čáslavsko

Providing services in the field of searching for new customers, publishing company databases.

Services: -substitute performance -OHS, PO and revisions - construction work and material sales -call center - digitization of documents - information and telecommunication technologies -wholesale of office supplies -wholesale, retail of work clothes -wholesale, retail cleaning products -cleaning services