Are you looking for a pharmacy, tire service or the manufacturer of honey? Information services will facilitate your path for a specific company, because they gather information about all available companies. Call centers, on the contrary they work as a di

Our company delivers SMS statements from the SOLUS debtor register, aimed at natural persons. We also participate in SOLUS projects, which strive to improve the level of financial literacy in the Czech Republic.

Portal for mechanical designers. A place for your advertising of engineering products and services. Articles on the issue.

Operation of a website with a list of discount portals.

Operation of a tourist server with tips for trips and holidays.

Online catalog of movies, series and reviews.

Internet newsletter from the field of sports

Development and administration - database Import of equipment for schools Website development and management Training, advisory and consulting activities or research and development Sale of equipment for schools

Packaging and assembly of printed materials. Printing of documents, barcodes and large formats.

Providing a wide range of information about Malta for tourists.

Services: -processing of pharmaceutical and health data

Services: - customer satisfaction surveys - operation of the call center

Services: -direct marketing -provider of private and corporate addresses, data and database systems

Services, delivery: -database of companies, households, objects. - direct mailing.

Internet inventory of business registers.

Services: - active and passive telemarketing - market surveys

Internet mobile flyer with events, cinemas and theater scenes in and around Prague.

News from the point of view of a civilian - police diary. Positive news from the work of the Czech police

An online directory of farmers and producers of food delivered to your table. Farms nearby and local shopping. Local markets and events. Regular deliveries of fruit and vegetables in crates.