Activity: - photographic services - photographer

Services: - Internet connection - Internet Access

Dog salon - grooming and grooming dogs. Dog hotel - babysitting and walking dogs.

Advertising studio - production of advertising - production of advertising items - advertising signs - graphic work - printing.

Services: - programmer - web design - creation of web applications

- Mediation of business and services - Real estate activity, management and maintenance of properties -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments - Extracurricular education and training, organization of courses, training, including lecturing activities -Advertising activity, marketing, media ...

Packaging and completion: -food products

Rental of bungee trampolines, amusement rides and go-karts. Organization of corporate and sports events. Ski school.

Technical Services: -cleaning the city - rehabilitation - drainage and cleaning of waste water - collection and processing of waste.

Services: - packaging - packaging of stationery - modification of rubber products, so-called tearing

Employment Agency - Job Offer. Cleaning work - cleaning of companies and households. Debt counseling - debt relief, insolvency. Financial advice - securing loans and credits.

Car service. Cohabitations: - body repairs - air conditioning filling - tire service - ecological disposal of car wrecks - import, sale of used motor vehicles

Recycling of construction waste - construction debris, construction waste - material from road demolitions - stone crushing in quarries - recycling of railway gravel. Construction activity - earthworks - reconstruction of roads and roads - construction of ground objects - demolition. Crushing and sorting of minerals in quarries.

Development, sales: -software. Sale: -hardware.

Services: - printer - graphic studio

Activity: - security services - cleaning services - facility management

Services: - provision of server hosting and web hosting services and connectivity various subjects to the Internet.