Activity: - cleaning services - babysitting

Services: - archiving of documents - shredding documents - rental of non-residential premises - cleaning Organizing: - professional seminars

Activity: - maintenance and rental of own properties in Nejdek and Ostrov Vysoká Pec sawmill

IT consultancy - management of computer networks - installation and configuration of servers.

Internet marketing. Web design.

Services: -Detective agency - security of property and people

Web design - complete design of Flash applications - programming.

Activity: - domestic, international freight transport - forwarding - storage

Repairs and service of computer technology - network management - installation of the operating system - modernization of computers.

Sale: -audio -video -satellites -TV -hi-fi. Sale: -stoves -refrigerators -freezers - washing machines - built-in appliances -small electrical appliances. Wireless internet connection.

Activity: - provision of consultancy and implementation of quality management systems

MK tools: In the field of engineering, we focus on the sale of tools for chip machining: turning, milling, drilling, threading, grooving. Our main tool suppliers include: ARNO, WTE, KEMMLER, MITUTOYO, MAHR, POLAK CZ, BAUER, NABRU, REIME-NORIS, SPPW, KELCH, BöHLERIT, KOHN, WENDT. MK e-shop: Electronic web store with fasteners and tools. A ...

Services: - analysis and solutions of company management systems -quality management systems (QMS) -environmental management systems (EMS) - safety and health protection management systems at work -analysis of critical points in the food industry (HACCP) -information security management systems (ISMS) -IT security management systems ...

Services: - investment advice - financial services - real estate consulting