HARABURDI® Recyclart Hotel & Gallery & Sewing & Creative Services & Craft. The exclusive environment and original works on display underline our offer, services and service. The unique and first hotel in the heart of Europe focused on recycled art, which will offer you unconventional style, elegance, comfort and works that have lost their meaning ...

We provide job opportunities to people with disabilities, disadvantages. We allow companies to make use of compensation. We provide jobs for persons with partial and full disability pensions. The main job is to check the components - head restraints, armrests, door side panels, etc. Packaging services Other service activities incidental ...

Repairs - car covers Production - car covers Delivery and installation - arched halls Delivery and installation - arched halls Digital printing - large-scale digital printing

Services: - implementation of the system for creating offers and budgets, including the provision of technical support - consultation for those interested in the QComposer software, presentation of the system - training and courses for office systems.

Construction, alteration and removal -Real estate activities -Consultancy in the management of investment construction -Purchase of goods for the purpose of resale and sale

Pest control, disinsection, disinfection

We are a rapidly developing energetic startup from Hradec Králové focused on the creation of software services, especially websites, mobile applications and other software technologies at the client's request. We are behind a lot of successful projects and a satisfied clientele from the Czech Republic and abroad.

Company Horská prádloňa s.r.o. performs washing, mangling and ironing on a professional level. We process all orders manually and wash them separately in modern industrial washing machines using phosphate-free detergents. Our establishment can be found in Trutnov on Polská Street. Our services:  - laundry  - Laundry  - mangling, ironing  - ...

The company MONTELA MH, s.r.o. is a reliable partner and supplier of a wide range of sales equipment. We are able to offer our customers shopping carts, baskets, racks, cash boxes, parkboxes, stands, holders or rake baskets. We provide turnkey implementation of interiors and equipment shops, discount chains and shopping centers. Furthermore, our ...

Architectural Studio ATIP, a.s. provides its customers with comprehensive services. We process architectural and urban studies, project documentation for land management, land use plans, traffic plans, budgets and also provide engineering activities. It uses state-of-the-art technical equipment and optimized workflows. You can find us at Pražská ...

Non-profit organization Apropo Jičín, o.p.s. focuses on helping children and young adults with mental, physical and combined disabilities. We run a day hospital for severely disabled clients and we also offer field social services in the form of personal assistance. Our clients can also use social rehabilitation services, which serve to support ...

We offer: - wireless internet connection Installation, sale, activation of paid programs - service and sale of computer equipment - network management for organizations, schools and households - consulting in the field of IT technologies - VoIP telephony without paying a flat rate - sale of VoIP phones and transfer of telephone number ...

Services: - High speed wireless internet connection - VoIP - Internet calling - Internet TV - camera systems.

Larysa Prodanets deals with all construction work. We are based in Hvozdnice, Hradec Kralove district. Construction work:  - masonry work  - construction activity  - construction of houses  - reconstruction of buildings, apartments. Another services:  [packing]

I create successful and modern websites and e-shops that attract customers, overwhelm the competition and increase your prestige.

Beauty salon: - cosmetic treatments according to basic skin types - make-up, including counseling - eyebrow dye - adjustment of eyebrows and eyelashes - epilation - skin cleansing (miles) - Relaxing facial massage - Relaxing facial massage with aromatherapy.

Funeral service to Krejčík, v.o.s. provides complete services with funerals and cremations, including transports throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. Civil and church mourning ceremonies, burials by fire and into the ground - in the ceremonial hall, in the church, right next to the grave in the cemetery, unceremonial cremation. We will make a ...

-Publishing activities, printing production, bookbinding and copying work -Manufacture of metal structures and metal products -Mediation of trade and services -Wholesale and retail trade -Provision of software, information technology consulting, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals -Real estate activities, property ...

MEDIATEL is a modern media agency with a wide portfolio of online marketing services and printed advertising for small and medium-sized companies or sole proprietors (SME / SMB). We will produce and implement a marketing strategy tailored to you and with a guarantee. We will differentiate you from the competition and you will see more. We will ...

Construction housing cooperative of citizens SBDO. Headquarters, Chairman: - Jičín, Revoluční 1077, tel .: 493532523. Sale: - installation material - electronic material - medical ceramics - baths, sinks, toilets. Rental: - scaffolding.