Sale: - computers - computing - Mobile Phones - video technician Services: - Internet connection

Services: - operation and management of web portals - advertisement - marketing

Services: - manicure - massages - Vacupress

Services: - website creation - internet marketing - graphic work - SEO optimization - web hosting

Construction and real estate activity, rental of non-residential premises and development.

Services: - subsidy consultancy - financial advice - organizational consulting

Sales, e-shop: -computing. -computers. -electronic security systems. -camera systems. Services: - creation of web presentations. - administration of computer networks.

Photographer. Services: - portrait photos. - wedding photo. - reportage photography.

Services: - photographer, photography - sports competitions - underwater photography - social events E-shop: - photos

Services: - translations, interpretation German language

Bazaar, pawn shop: - electronics - household appliances - computers - honey - sports equipment

Activity: - rental of non-residential premises - electricity distribution, local distribution network

Services: - crane works - ground and excavation work - scrap metal - purchase of iron scrap, non-ferrous metals

Massage - reconditioning - relaxing - sporty - Bruess's - mobilization techniques - Manual lymphatic drainage - Hawaiian LOMI LOMI - hot stones - Indian head massage - Chinese energy - honey - reflex therapy - kinesiotaping - massage with Tibetan bowls - hemp massage

Services: -Internet connection. - digital cable TV.

Development, sales: -software for processing wages and attendance. - AVENSIO payroll system.

Beauty salon. Services: -cosmetics. - aromatherapy.