You need to ensure the maximum safety of You or Your property? The security agencies offer physical security of objects, persons and property, detective activities, transport of valuables and cash, security events, fire protection and centralized protection PCO.

Services: - security of property and persons - services of private detectives - provision of technical services for the protection of property and persons.

Detective and security services - searching for people - tracking people - obtaining information - physical protection of persons - transportation of valuables - property protection - debt collection.

Services: - physical security of property and persons - event security and organizing service -cleaning services

Services: - security Agency - cleaning services - administration and maintenance of buildings - electrical installation

Security and property protection - buildings - businesses - warehouses - shops - administrative and residential buildings - persons.

Security Agency: - physical security - transfers of valuables - security of public events - electronic guarding of objects

Private security service: - security of property and people - detective services - cleaning services

Our services: - physical security - MS central protection counter.

Detective and protection services, transportation of valuables. Personal security.