Storage is the foundation of logistics, so logistics companies will offer the possibility of storing goods in their warehouses with 24-hour access, online data about the state of the stocks and with the possibility of any manipulation with the goods. Transport to the warehouse is secured by the trucks.

International and domestic forwarding (Europe) for freight and truck transport. Assurance: - express transport of parcels including storage -Courier services - delivery transport - mining trucks -storage and handling of transported goods -customs declaration (JCD), issuance, clearance of the document. Equipment: - AVIA trucks 12 ...

Cold stores. Services: -rental of frozen food stores and refrigerated warehouses -food freezing -freezing of meat, vegetables and other food -shipment/ transport by refrigerator vans/ trucks -non-residential premises letting -logistics (logistic services) -packaging (repackaging) of frozen food. Freezing plant: -large-capacity ...

Truck transport: - container transport. Services: - shipping - representation in customs proceedings - storage, packaging of goods.

Services: - sorting, filing, storage and care of documents and shredding - inventory, valuation and organization of auctions and sales movable and immovable property - keeping tax records.

Storage - food goods in freezer, refrigerated and dry warehouses, including food logistics.

Transport, transportation: - domestic and international freight transport - express shipments - loading system - complete costs - logistics, storage - the whole EU.

Transport, shipping: - international and national. Warehousing and logistics. Express delivery of small parcels by delivery throughout Europe and the Czech Republic.

Implementation of transport and logistics services. International and domestic forwarding: -forwarding for cargo and truck transport - express transport of parcels including storage -Courier services - delivery transport - mining trucks - excessive costs -storage and handling of transported goods -customs declaration (JCD), issuance, ...