Air transport takes care of transporting people and cargo. Using aircraft, it is possible to transport almost any kind of shipment, from small postal packages via standard delivery to an oversized costs. Air transport of goods and people is a fast and extremely safe.

Sightseeing flights - tandem jumps - test pilot pre-flight preparation, explanation of basic terms including meteorology and familiarization with the aircraft

Truck transport Air Transport Sea transport Logistics services Road transport

Sightseeing flights - a glider - by plane - by helicopter Paragliding flights - tandem jumps - sightseeing balloon flights Flying school - paragliding - skydiving Sale - sports equipment for paragliding

Services: - basic flight training incl. helicopters - rental of small propeller planes, cargo flights, advertising flights, etc. - provision of exclusive business flights that will satisfy the most demanding clientele. We carry out these activities both on our own aircraft and in cooperation with our partners. Provision of services in the ...

We offer international shipping, specializing in Turkey. Full truck transport, collection service, sea and air shipments. Knowledge of Turkish. We provide transport to Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia - both ways

Full truck road transport. Road transport excessive. Sea and river transport. Air Transport. Multimodal transportation. Rail transport.

Air Transport Investment Real estate management Architectural activity

Storage Transportation - piece shipments Air Transport Naval transport Logistics Freight transport Haulage Personal transport

Production and sale of industrial chains: -standard and non-standard roller chains, meeting the European and American standard, meeting the standards ISO, DIN, CSN, BS -standard and non-standard sleeve-type chains -standard and non-standard Galls' chains -Fleyers' chains -coupling elements -non-standard and special chains to order -chain ...

The main focus of the company is the training of pilots of the category of ultralight and sport aircraft, in addition to aerobatic training. Our services: - pilot training of ULLa ultralight aerodynamically controlled aircraft - PPL(A) private pilot training - IR instrument qualification training - continuing training - training for ...

Forwarding, dispatch service: -both international and inland -both complete truck loads and individual packages -logistics. Transport, shipment, haulage: -road, railway, truck, lorry -refrigerating and isothermal vehicles -air, marine transport -container transport -combined transport -heavy freights and cargo of excessive ...

Aircraft management and operation - Charter & Brokerage - flight planning - executive handling - hangaring - aircraft maintenance - travel management

Operation of a non-public domestic airport.

Operator of the Mnichovo Hradiště international public airport. Rental of non-aeronautical areas for testing motorcycles and cars, for organizing motoring events.

Representation of airlines (GSA) - sale of cargo transportation on regular lines. Charter flights with cargo and passengers - worldwide - fairs, sports teams, business clientele.

We organize all our expeditions, including complete services, such as the mediation of ticket sales, travel insurance, motorcycle insurance during transport, etc.

Compensation for problems in air transport In the event of complications in air transport, such as the cancellation of your flight, its significant delay or denial of boarding, it is possible to request financial compensation in the range of EUR 250 - 600 according to EU regulations. will submit the application and go through the ...

Intermediation of international transport. Services: - road transport - bulk LCL/collective shipments - Naval transport - rail and intermodal transport - air Transport - project management - customs clearance

The company Gestiv Bohemia was established in August 2000. Services: - road transport - air Transport - sea transport - rail transport.

You can buy last minute tickets to all destinations on our website. Booking tickets on our website online and at the company's office. CSA tickets and many other airlines. We also offer promotional tickets at the best prices.