Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Transport, express transport, courier: - paid aviso 1 hour in advance - piece shipments within the Czech Republic within 24 hours Slovakia within 48 hours shipments from the envelope to the pallet - delivery of parcels on delivery - top time accelerated delivery of parcels within 12 hours - top weekend delivery on Saturday until 1 p.m. - top ...

Services: -centre for vehicles properly utilization/ use to full capacity -expressage (transport, forwarding) -individual packages from 1 to 5000 kg all over the Czech Republic within 24 hours, all over Slovakia within 96 hours, including uniform customs declaration -palleting -foliation -banding.

Truck transport: -national, international Shipping.

Road transport, transport, transportation, delivery: -freight - national (domestic) and international (foreign) -express shipments - transport of dangerous goods ADR*.

Freight transport, forwarding. Parcel transport.

Services: - domestic and international freight transport - logistics - delivery service - storage - repair, service of trucks - dishwasher

SERVICES: - parcel transport: - European ground - aviation - maritime - logistic - customs - trade fair forwarding and international moving

Services: - logistics -courier -transportation

Services - express delivery of parcels - truck transport international, domestic - moving - personal car transport Rental - ships - rafts - boating equipment

Road transport and forwarding throughout the Czech Republic. Cooperation with contracted carriers.

Road transport: -international and domestic transport -forwarding, logistics - transportation of parcels - transport up to 8 people. Services: -experts of advertising prints -storage.

CAR TRANSPORT - domestic freight transport - domestic truck transport - international transport, road transport - transportation of unit shipments, shipment delivery - transportation of parcels, deliveries - domestic transport of individual and full-load consignments - freight transport, transport - transport of parcels, transport of ...

Express shipping of parcels - courier transport - shipping

The fastest courier service. Timely and reliable delivery of your shipments. We guarantee quality without compromise. Do you need to deliver tenders quickly and on time? Do you have an e-shop and don't know how to transport goods? Forgot your keys, want to send flowers for your birthday? Or just get the package to the other end of the country ...

Courier service. Import of parcels in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

- express transport of people across the EU, to the airport, on vacation, ... - express delivery of parcels within 1.5 from the envelope to 20 euro pallets - collection service from all over the EU, especially FR, ES, PT

Services: - shipping - freight, rail and air transport to Russia - customs services

Courier service: - transportation of parcels around Prague. -express delivery service.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - system of express transportation of pieces shipments throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia - TOPTRANS (delivery time 24 hours) -international and domestic shipping company - forwarding - comprehensive customs services - road truck transport in the Czech Republic and ...

Services - shipping - customs services - storage - forwarding - international freight transport - transportation of full-car and piece shipments - transportation of dangerous and oversized goods

Forwarding, road transport / road haulage / trucking, freight forwarding, logistics: -high quality vehicle fleet of contractual carriers -constant contact with drivers -transport by "Just in Time" way -goods insurance up to CZK 10 million -full service in all sectors of transport - land transport, air transport, shipping, sea transport, rail ...