Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

Services: - heavy, excessive traffic - national and international trucking - transport of piece consignments - express transport - forwarding activity.

Information about bus connections: +420/519444255. Transport, road transport, transportation: -freight-national, international -international truck -bus public transport Břeclav - more than 130 buses. Suburban and long-distance lines, tour transport. Forwarding, forwarding, extraction, transport of goods, transport services -orientation to ...

The company Plachetka a spol., Spol.s r.o. focuses on the provision of services in the field of national and international transport, forwarding and logistics. We offer transport of full truck and piece shipments, express transport services, container transport and storage. We have a modern fleet of vehicles, which is taken care of by our ...

Transport and forwarding - we run daily CR-Slovakia-Austria, regular trips on the route Prague - Brno - Ostrava, Prague - Vienna, Prague - Bratislava. Express transport. Migration. Customs and declaration services.

International shipping: -all modes of transport -customs services -controlled distribution, storage, packaging -Worldwide network of freight forwarders -Tailor-made logistics services.

Transport: -national -international -Freight forwarding.

Road transport, transport: - road motor transport - trucking - national freight - domestic freight transport, transportation - forwarding, forwarding.

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding - storage.

Services: - rental, service, repair and sale of new and used cars - rail transport and forwarding - freight railway and platform wagons - transport of containers - motor cars - complete transport projects

Forwarding - forwarding activities throughout Europe and beyond. Transport - we provide transport of ordinary pallet or bulk goods throughout the EU and beyond. Moving - our company also offers services in the field of moving.

Services: -haulage -Freight forwarding -logistics. We focus primarily on the transport of goods within the European Union, but also outside it, where we supplement services with the provision of complete customs clearance. We are a dynamic, developing company. We have many years of experience.

Sale: -vine seedlings, vines -vineyard posts (steel) -gas scarecrows of birds -label, wine label, wines -PVC shrink capsules -CHIESSER cork stoppers. Road transport: -freight national road transport -freight international road transport -transport of hazardous materials ADR -specialization in Austria -Freight forwarding ...

International forwarding service, forwarding. Road transport, transportation -11 * trucks, vehicles for domestic and foreign transport. The fleet is composed of MAN, LIAZ, TATRA and AVIA brands. Semi-trailer and trailer tarpaulin vehicles (up to 95 m3), special vehicles for the transport of light bulk materials, light bulk materials. (sawdust ...

International transport and forwarding Establishment: REMET complex Vídeňská 127 619 00 Brno Tel: 547135250

Transport services to Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia

Services: -domestic, international transport, forwarding -transport of cargo.

Express courier service Brno Pendler24 - we specialize in the transport of urgent shipments throughout the EU. - time critical transport - OBC courier on board - shipments exactly on time - we offer the possibility of watching Pendler online, the driver will give you information about the current traffic situation and the way to the ...

Wholesale of wood. Purchase, sale, retail: -saws, wood chips and bark, bark. Forwarding and logistics of building materials. Truck transport, truck transport.

Trucking - national - international Shipping Hospitality - celebrations - live music - roasting piglets

Services: - national and international road transport - collection service - customs clearance - forwarding, forwarding

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding

Road transport, domestic and international transport, freight transport by vans. -transport vans with lifts up to a weight of 2t -we run for large and small companies as well for private persons -long-term and one-off orders -ensuring of moving -delivery and transport of various consignments (possibility of courier delivery) -after the ...

National, international truck transport - trucking to all EU countries, Russia and Eastern Europe. - forwarding services

Car service, emissions: -motor vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks -all mechanical work -measurement of emissions of petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG -emissions, trucks, tractors, buses -sale and exchange of Total oils -change of filters, operating fluids -sale AD BLUE -diagnostics of control units - passenger and freight -Alfa Romeo, Audi, ...