Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Road transport: - international truck - transportation of agricultural commodities

Truck transport: -international. - domestic.

Services: - oversized shipping - transport of passenger and commercial vehicles

Earthworks. Work: -transport, import of building materials, excavated soils -laying interlocking paving, sidewalks, curbs, palisades -ground machine NEW HOLLAND LB backhoe loader -excavation of UNC-060 or JSB foundations -laying of concrete slab -insulation of foil construction against RADON and also against moisture -fencing the ...

We offer the production of compound feeds for livestock and poultry, directly to measure - according to your requirements and assignments. We specialize in compound feeds for: -pig -Scot -poultry -Rabbits. Our other important production also includes alfalfa worms - fodder worms. Category according to feed material: - alfalfa ...

Trucking. Transport: -freight truck -international (foreign) -national (domestic). Shipments across Europe: -semitrailers 13, 60m 33europalet -sets 6 + 8, 20m 35 europallets. Services: -Freight forwarding.

Activity - construction activities, engineering networks, earthworks - locksmith production - joinery production - haulage.

Sale of spare parts for quarries, quarry service: - locksmithing and construction OK - Machining - industrial, housing construction - shape firing of sheets - road transport.

Logistics services, forwarding / forwarding - international and domestic. Cleaning services; Sales of drapes and respirators according to European standards (respirators for children); Administrative services, document management.

Martin Čermák sells sand and road transport. We offer sand suitable for all earthworks, for construction purposes and for mortar. Backfill sand does not contain stones. We sell dredged sand and graded gravel. Operation of transport services in Jablonná v Podještědí.

Delivery truck transport Freight transport over 3.5t-24t Moving, clearing apartments Personal car transport for up to 6 people incl. the driver Assembly, repairs and revisions - electrical installation Assembly, repairs and revisions - lightning rods