International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

Transport: -international and national road unit and full truckload transportation shipment Services: - forwarding -customs, intrastat

Truck transport. Truck transport: - domestic, national - foreign, international.

Service offer: - logistic services, contract logistics - storage - taking over production processes - forwarding services, forwarding - transport - land, air, sea - customs clearance.

Independent distribution company: - vehicle fleet - vehicle equipment - 150 trucks / lorries Our services: - international truck transport - warehousing - logistics - air transport - GMP transport.

Branch. Services: - transport, transportation, road transport - piece shipments -international -express - domestic - transport of parcels in the Czech Republic and Europe - delivery within 24 hours after the Czech Republic - cash on delivery service -repair end return service - pallet transport.

Domestic and foreign truck transport from 1kg to 25t. Forwarding.

Haulage: -national and international TURKEY, SYRIA - up to 23t.

Transport: -freight traffic, haul -composite transport, combined transport - railway transport-road haualge -international forwarding -carriage by rail-cargo traffic/movement of goods by wagons. Services: -customs -logistic: -storage cca 2000m2: -stock near railway -storage cca 500m2, heated -specialization in ...

Haulage: -international - domestic - special isothermal and refrigeration cars - canvas trailers -forwarding services. Car service, car repair shop: -complete service of all vehicles - body work -painting works - preparing vehicles for MOT. Storage of frozen goods.

Services: -storage -national and international transport - complete logistics services.