International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

Services - express transport of consignments - foreign and domestic freight transport - international and domestic road transport.

International and domestic transport excessive costs Demolition and high-rise buildings Excavation work of the JCB machine Production, assembly - steel constructions Welding work Locksmith work

From the very beginning, the Petr Synek company has been dealing primarily with international truck transport, transport of dangerous goods and sea container transport. Part of the company, which is located in Ostrava, is also a service for forwarding, where we have our own highly efficient system. We provide services for picking up shipments and ...

Production, sales - PPE, personal protective equipment - work shoes, work clothes, gloves, hearing protection. Services - international road Transport - logistics.

Services - national and international forwarding - haulage.

Transport, road transport: - domestic freight transport - freight international transport - transportation by vehicles with a capacity of 3.5 tons.

Building company. Complete reconstruction of buildings. Revitalization of prefab houses. Construction of industrial buildings. Construction projection. Road transport: - domestic cargo - freight international - container. Excavation work: - with a JCB 4CX machine, including removal of the excavation to the landfill. Rental: - ...

Formerly MT Transport s.r.o. Road transport: - national, domestic - international, foreign. Special international transport: - maritime - aviation - railway. Storage, logistics.

Road transport. Road freight transport: - national - international. Transportation of parcels.

Road transport: - cargo - national - international.

Forwarding and shipping company. Forwarding, shipping. Transport, transportation: - cargo (truck) international - piece shipments - excessive costs - customs warehouse services - Customs declaration.

Haulage: - international (foreign) - transportation of dangerous substances in the ADR regime tanker trucks - transport of asphalt. Wholesale, distribution: - fuel.

Storage services: -storage of goods - handling of goods -unloading, loading and shipping of goods - warehouse records. Transport forwarding services: - heavy and oversized transport - domestic freight transport - international freight transport throughout Europe. Customs declaration and Intrastat.

Road transport, transportation: - national, domestic - international, foreign. Technical escorts of excessive and heavy loads in the country and abroad. Securing means of transport for heavy and oversized loads. Processing permits for heavy and excessive loads throughout Europe and ex. USSR

Road transport: - national and international 24 t - transport of refrigerated goods.

Transport: - international and domestic freight - transport up to 3.5t.

Transport: - truck international - national. Forwarding.

National and international truck transport.

Transport: - domestic and international cargo.

International truck transport. Shipping. Logistics. Forwarding.