Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Transport, services: - domestic and international truck transport - maritime - aviation.

Earthworks and landscaping. Road transport of bulk materials. Sale of gravel, storage of soil.

Services: - truck international and domestic transport

International forwarding and logistics. Pan-European freight transport. Domestic shipment of unit loads. Air shipments. Sea shipments.

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Crafts, services - surface treatments by spraying, painting, sanding - CAMAXIT powder coating - recycling of raw materials by pressing into briquettes, packets, crushing Recycling, sale, redemption - metals - secondary materials - hazardous waste processing Container transport

PHM deliveries. Insurance - road transport and construction machinery and mechanisms for construction contractors. Service of trucks and machines.

Container transport: - containers 3-9 m3 -removal of debris, bulky waste -import of sand, concrete, gravel - earthworks UNC, backhoe loader - transportation of handling equipment. Realization of interlocking pavers.

Production, assembly: - concrete elements - road and ceiling panels - slabs, supporting walls - lost formwork Cutting and core drilling of reinforced concrete.

Services: - forwarding - logistics - international and domestic truck transport

Work, craft/trade: - earthworks - excavation work - machine-work, earthwork and push broaching - trench-work - demolition work - demolishing, demolition work, demolition - motor-transport, transportation, transport - clearance of debris, disposal and collection of building rubbish and waste. Machines: - loaders - ...

Services: -freight domestic road transport

Services: - container transport - debris removal - vehicle towing

Transport: - road - truck -express piece (individual) -collection - aviation - courier -cargo -maritime -container -piece -conventional -any combination thereof. International forwarding.

Advice: - technical work in waste and water management. Sale: - antifungal preparations. Services: - water cleaning - construction activities in the environment. Road transport: - passenger and freight transport.

Services: - international and domestic transport - forwarding Repairs: - motor vehicles.

Our company was founded in 2008 and has driven more than 100,000 km to the satisfaction of all customers. We offer national and international transport at the best prices!!!

Sale: - building materials. Construction work. Road transport.

Wholesale: -fruit -vegetables. Truck transport CZ, EU Gastronomy operation: lunch delivery in Šternberk, Olomouc and the surrounding area.

Domestic and international transport with vehicles up to 3.5 t. Domestic and international transport by vehicles over 3.5 t. Domestic and international forwarding. Migration.

Shipping and forwarding: -storage - transport and forwarding - logistics -Customs declaration Headquarters of Otrokovice

Transport - domestic cargo - up to 12t Demolition and demolition work Excavation work

Construction and excavation work: Lease: - construction machinery and vehicles. - excavators, container car, vibrating roller, demolition hammer - construction of sidewalks, roads, all kinds of connections - construction of houses, garages, fences - sale of gravel and sand Haulage. The possibility of depositing rubble and soil at the ...

Production and sale of industrial chains: -standard and non-standard roller chains, meeting the European and American standard, meeting the standards ISO, DIN, CSN, BS -standard and non-standard sleeve-type chains -standard and non-standard Galls' chains -Fleyers' chains -coupling elements -non-standard and special chains to order -chain ...