Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Truck transport Crane work Demolition work Construction work Removal of rubble and waste Earthwork

Services: - scrap metal - container transport

Services: - container transport Wholesale, retail, sale: -sand -calculus

Services: -air Transport -Naval transport - ground transportation -rail transport

Haulage Sale - sand Earth and excavation works

Storage Air Transport - tracking of air shipments Maritime and freight transport Export and import of parcels

Services: - logistics. - air, sea transport. - road transport.

Road transport - cargo - up to 4t

Our services: - road freight transport.

Road transport - interior design - international - up to 3.5t - AVIA 65L with flatbed

Container transport - debris and waste removal - transport of building materials for rent - containers Clearing work Garbage Collection Sale - sand - gravel Earthwork

Transport - domestic cargo - debris removal - up to 4, 2t - AVIA cars Demolition work Earthwork - ground leveling - foundations for family houses (RD) - sumps,

Forwarding, shipping. -international, domestic truck transport. - transportation of cars. -rail transport. -river transport. Business activity: - agricultural commodities. - feed.

Pragonet Trade offers the purchase of secondary waste

Car and truck transport: - debris and waste removal - delivery of containers, including large-volume ones - cleaning of cellars and attics - moving.

Locksmith and other construction work, road transport.

Production - plastic stands, containers, covers Transporting horses

Container transport - Garbage Collection Haulage - national - up to 12t

Freight transport truck LIAZ

Transportation: - rubble - bulk materials.

Debris removal - import of material Demolition Making - base plates Earth and excavation works

Comprehensive services with vans in domestic road freight transport - up to 1.4t

Road transport - freight - DAF 7t - MERCEDES van 1, 4t Road transport - personal 8 people

Container transport Truck transport Sale - sand Sale - coal (black and brown) - coal briquettes Earthwork

waste management (except hazardous) road vehicle repairs road motor transport freight earthwork