Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Our services: - domestic and international shipping - forwarding - storage of goods. Construction activity - heating works - plumbing work - core drilling.

Work: - earthy - terrain work - demolition work - truck transport

Activity: - recycling of construction waste - sale of recycled materials - earthworks - demolition - truck transport

Services: - earth and demolition work - truck transport

Work: - earthmoving machine CAT 432D - road transport with Tatra vehicles

Our services: - international and domestic road transport

Transport, forwarding - international and domestic freight transport. Sale of spare parts for trucks. Car service, car repair shop - service and repair of trucks. Tire service. Assistance service - vehicle towing. Crane work.

Truck transport: - transport of dangerous goods ADR

Shipping: - national - international - forwarding - international transport.

Truck transport. Construction activity - industrial buildings - apartment construction - demolition - earthworks. Projection and engineering activity.

Construction activity, work: - family houses - garages - warming up - plasterboard works - roofing and plumbing work - ground and excavation work - construction of utility networks Truck transport Wood processing

Activity: - excessive domestic and international traffic - earthworks

DB Schenker is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics and global rail forwarding services. Děčín branch.

Services: - domestic and international freight transport - forwarding - logistics - storage - metalwork Sales, e-shop: - seats - beds Chabařovice náměstí 9 May 199 phone: 734 440 444

Services: - international and domestic trucking - transportation of oversized and heavy loads - air and sea transport - logistics - storage

The subject of Jabor pro, s.r.o. there are three main activities: - forwarding and transport services - production of car sails - digital autoflat printing.

Sale - safety gloves - paints and varnishes - wooden products (handles, ...) E-shop - wood products (handles, brooms, brushes) Earthwork Hardware store - economic needs

Services, transport: - truck (domestic, international) - container - shipping - aviation - Customs declaration INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TRUCK AND PARTY CARRIAGE phone: 412 530 919 OVERSEAS, CONTAINER AND AIR TRANSPORT phone: 412 530 914

Transportation: - dangerous raw materials - Spolapon detergents - hazardous waste.

Our services: - forwarding - international and domestic transport - sale, service of trucks.

Services: - telecommunications - earthworks - height work - road transport

Services: - assembly work in the field of electricity and work in the field of cartoning.

Our services: - international and domestic shipping.