Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Wholesale of wood. Purchase, sale, retail: -saws, wood chips and bark, bark. Forwarding and logistics of building materials. Truck transport, truck transport.

Trucking - national - international Shipping Hospitality - celebrations - live music - roasting piglets

Services: - car service, tire service - container transport with a load capacity of 5 t

Jaroslav Muněz Company carries out professional excavation, paving and clearing work. Our other activities include painting, masonry, demolition and own road transport. We are based in Brno, city district Zábrdovice. Activities of our company:  - excavation work, excavation  - paving work  - clearing work  - laying of tiles  - clearing of ...

Transport: -express delivery service (piece shipments up to 500 kg) -transport of goods for individuals and companies -cars PICK UP WAN -Czech and SLOVAKIA.

Trucking. Transport: - building materials - gravel, stones, rubble, sand, concrete - construction mechanization - transport of cars, trucks, tractors.

Services: - national and international road transport - collection service - customs clearance - forwarding, forwarding

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding

The company Lesy Horňácko, s.r.o. provides comprehensive forestry services. We are engaged in cultivation activities and the logging itself. We also perform revitalization and maintenance of greenery of cities, municipalities and castle parks, as well as maintenance of power lines consisting in the removal or trimming of trees in the protection ...

Construction work: -ground work -transport -transport of material, bulk materials -construction of engineering networks -Foundation of buildings, foundations of buildings, slope buckets -loading of material and its removal (loose) -cleaning work (construction site) -construction of communication -land terrain (terrain slope) -paving work ...

The construction company Miroslav Lukáš focuses on carpentry, roofing and plumbing work. We implement turnkey and flat roofs on a turnkey basis, we also perform reconstructions and repairs of the original roofs, including waterproofing. We offer delivery and installation of roofing, such as fired tiles, bitumen shingles, asphalt strips or ...

Services in the field of transport and moving are provided by the company Tomáš Hrnčiřík. We focus on international and domestic passenger transport by minibus and also on moving houses, flats or offices. We have trucks for the transport of goods from 1.5 tons up to 6 tons. We are located in the village of Lužice, Hodonín district. Services, ...

Sand pit Drnovice. Mining, sales: -sand, sand. Work: -ground work. -terrain work. -stabilization of soils by liming. -demolition. Road transport: -freight. -Excessive costs.

Construction activity, construction work, company: -ensuring comprehensive delivery, delivery of construction work, construction -constructions, turnkey construction -industrial, building constructions, construction -engineering, construction -reconstruction and repair of buildings, construction -extension, installation and extension of ...

Transport Division. Services: -freight trucking. -transport with LIAZ tipper trucks. -crane work up to 16 tons.

Services: - locksmithery - assembly of steel structure, industrial halls - PUR cladding, mineral panels - installation of roofs made of trapezoidal sheets and sandwich panels - earthworks - trucking

Concrete plant, production, sales and transport: -concrete mixtures -concrete, asphalt concrete, asphalt mixtures. Construction company, construction and repairs: -transport constructions (construction), roads (communications), roads, paved areas, playgrounds, etc. -delivery and laying of coated aggregates and asphalt concrete class ACP22, ...

International shipping, road transport, transport, transportation: -transport of all types of goods, including ADR classification -transport of goods loaded from the mountain by crane-various steel structures, castings of turbines and bodies, metallurgical material, wood, large-area wood materials -ensuring the transport of incomplete ...

Road transport, domestic and international transport, freight transport by vans. -transport vans with lifts up to a weight of 2t -we run for large and small companies as well for private persons -long-term and one-off orders -ensuring of moving -delivery and transport of various consignments (possibility of courier delivery) -after the ...

Activity: - construction work - plumbing - roofing - masonry Container transport.

National, international truck transport - trucking to all EU countries, Russia and Eastern Europe. - forwarding services

Construction: - family houses. Revitalization: - residential houses. Realization: - attic installations - facades - insulation of residential and non-residential houses. Reconstruction: - houses and flats - housing cores - bathrooms Renovation: - stairs, concrete floors, Work: - fitting and installation of plastic windows ...

The company is certified in quality management ISO 9001: 2001, environmental audit ISO 14001/2005, welding certification ISO 3834-2: 2006 Repairs, reconstructions and revisions dedicated gas installations. Construction, building: -construction OHSAS 18001 -product pipelines -flat gasification -ground work: bulldozer CAT 6 2pcs, ...