Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - transport of goods to Italy and back.

Services: -Operation of road freight transport -Mowing grass - Landscaping

Services: - downloading data from digital tachographs and driver cards - data analysis and archiving. Truck transport up to 10 tons.

Production, sale: - firewood, chopped firewood - firewood. Truck transport. Sale: - tools - garden equipment.

Domestic and international freight transport.

Haulage: -domestic, national, international. Logistics of land transport and road motor transport of goods mainly to EU countries, specializing in FRG, BENELUX. MAN, Mercedes vehicles Domestic transport of goods is ensured VOLVO, MAN vehicles. Services: -goods transport -shipping - forwarding -own vehicle fleet: flatbed trucks with ...

Road transport and forwarding Transport, services: -domestic road transport and forwarding -express shipments up to 1.5 tons -forwarding services -storage Brno, Prague -haulage -personal transport - daily collection of parcels within the territory of the Czech Republic - collection points Brno, Prague - delivery of collectable piece ...

Road transport, transportation: - machines and mechanization. Establishment of buildings Earthwork with mechanical technology.

Domestic and international freight transport.

Road transport, express delivery, passenger transport. Operation of express domestic and international road transport vehicles from 1 kg to 3.5 tons. Offer of moving, assistance services and transportation of people by minibuses.

Earth and excavation work, container transport. Production: -earth and excavation work -excavation of foundations, inclusion work -terrain modifications (leveling and sloping of the terrain) -Preparatory work.

Work: - ground, construction. Services: -haulage.