Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Road transport, road transport national and international: - cargo - delivery - express - personal - moving - cargo storage - e.transportation price calculator. The company has 30 cars, we take away 1 kg - 25 tons. We specialize in food delivery throughout the Czech Republic. We provide delivery of food by tankers. ...

Car service: We carry out all mechanical work, GO engines and gearboxes, Diagnostics of electronic systems, MOT execution, geometry adjustment, Repairs after an accident. Painting and plumbing work Complete tire service. Road transport up to 3.5 t.

Storage Transportation - piece shipments throughout Europe Logistics International and domestic truck transport - express and excessive costs Forwarding

Storage Transportation - piece shipments Logistics services Haulage - international - national Forwarding services

Sale - working tools Haulage - national and international - up to 12t - MAN, DAF cars Personal transport - international - 8 + 1 places - MERCEDES SPRINTER BUS cars Lease - DESTA forklift trucks - even with a driver Wholesale - drugstore Wholesale - office ...

Trucking, transport and transportation: - domestic road transport - delivery of goods - import of goods - cargo transportation - transport services - permanent and one-off deliveries - all mechanical work from maintenance to major repairs - exchange or sale of Castrol engine oils - preparing cars for MOT. - sale of spare parts ...

Road truck transport Locksmithing, tool making

Transport, door to door transport, Shipping: - domestic (domestic) and foreign (international) piece goods goods, delivery of parcels - road freight transport - air Transport - sorting of shipments and their delivery according to the customer's time availability - customs declaration and representation in customs proceedings.

Transport: - domestic and international truck transport - transportation of all palletized goods - production of industrial switchboards to order - spare parts

Transport: - domestic, foreign - materials intended for recycling. Services: - freight forwarding - extraction of trucks - loading machines - purchase, sale and transport of goods.

Buildings: -road, including designing: -asphaltic carriageways, parking grounds, pavements, concrete pavage, supporting retaining walls -bridges: - with span up to 30 m, made from pre-strained beams -buried services -ecological: -dumps, reclamation. Production: -concrete mixtures -mixing plant Stare Misto u Jicina, Turnov ...