Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Solutions for traffic accidents and car accidents: - free service to the injured party traffic accident (car repair, towing service and others) - free repair of a car damaged during traffic accident - free rental of a spare car during the repair of your damaged vehicle vehicles. -car service for cars of all brands - ...

Road transport and forwarding throughout the Czech Republic. Cooperation with contracted carriers.

Reconstruction of housing cores Revitalization of apartment buildings: - reconstruction of flat and gable roofs - replacement or repair of entrance portals - replacement and repair of balconies - replacement or reconstruction of internal distribution systems - roof structures and attic structures - repair of panel house defects - ...

Road motor transport. Domestic: - transport by box or flatbed vehicles. International: - performing low-tonnage and high-volume transports.

Transport - Car transport - Car repair shop - international freight transport - forwarding. Operation of restaurant services

Container transport Demolition - demolition work Drilling to a depth of up to 2.5 m Earth and excavation works Chopping - grassy areas

Road transport. Billing address: 503 16, Dolní Přím 38

Diagnostics - buses Car painting work Air conditioning filling Post-warranty service - VOLVO vehicles diagnostics - VOLVO, MERCEDES, MAN, IVECO, SCANIA, DAF, RANAULT, TATRA, LIAZ, AVIA vehicles - trailers - semi-trailers and general repairs of gearboxes and gearboxes - geometry of trucks and vans ...

Road transport, forwarding. Export-import. Customs services.

ČESMAD BOHEMIA. Association of car carriers ČESMAD BOHEMIA is the largest association of carriers engaged in national and international freight and passenger road transport. It currently brings together approximately 1,800 business entities with almost 20,000 vehicles. ČESMAD BOHEMIA is a member of the International Road Transport Union IRU, ...

Haulage - load capacity up to 12t Locksmithery

Road transport, transportation: - international - national - piece and pallet shipments up to a weight of 7000 kg.

- - international and domestic road transport 0 - 24 t

Haulage - national - up to 14t Personal transport - international

The company holds a quality certificate according to the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2000 standard Road transport, forwarding, logistics: - domestic and international freight transport according to the CMR convention - provision of complete services in automobile transport - storage - provision of customs formalities - vehicles equipped for the ...

Our company HA - KU stavby s.r.o. provides construction work and related work. - exhibition of turnkey family houses - civil amenities buildings - reconstruction and additions - installation of plasterboard - earthworks - insulation of facades - road transport

Building materials Sales, sales mediation: - building materials, hardware - construction and industrial goods. - building material - ensuring the overall supply of material - consulting services - cooperation with the designer, incl provision of documentation Other stores: -Sadová 52, phone: 495 447 741 - Vlčkovice v ...

Air Transport Naval transport Transport - freight - ground transportation

Logistics services - air freight transport - shipping by sea - road transport - storage and distribution

Transport: - international truck transport to all countries of Western and Eastern Europe - domestic freight transport - goods transport - repairs of trucks and cars - preparing vehicles for MOT - plumbing work