Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - powder coating of aluminum - painting of steel and galvanized materials - blasting of aluminum, stainless steel and steel materials - laboratory tests and trials and process monitoring - road transport

- international road Transport - international trucking specializing in Russia - international and domestic transport - trucking - car repair - work by truck crane - forwarding - sale of fuels

Production and sale of white and grey plaster/ gypsum (gypsum binder G2BII) for: -wholesale customers -retailers -packed in: -1 kg -5 kg -30 kg -in bulk (cisterns). Production and sale: - SUPERBLOCK partition blocks made of plaster matter for bricklaying without plastering - SPECIAL gypsum binder for sticking and backfilling of partition ...

- road transport - earthworks - excavations - terrain work - demolition work - work with rotary grab - demolition work with a hydraulic hammer - handling of palletizing forks - transport and removal of bulk materials - transport of recycled materials, metallurgical materials, sand, etc. - transport of other materials by agreement - ...

It deals with international and domestic truck transport and forwarding. He is also in charge of transport throughout Europe from small consignments and transport subject to the temperature regime.

Their activities include: - construction work - thermal insulation work - new buildings - facade work Specializing in: - facades - thermal insulation of buildings Revitalization of prefabricated houses: - replacement of windows - reconstruction of entrances - reconstruction of balconies, loggias - reconstruction of the ...

Construction activity - buildings - revitalization of prefabricated houses - apartment construction - industrial buildings - building design and engineering activities. Trucking - removal of bulk materials.

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding

Haulage: - national and international

Sale: - forestry technology. Road transport.

Car service. Tire service. Tuning. Repairs, service: - cars, vans, vehicles. Car transport up to 3.5 t - Ford Tranzit and Fiat Ducato cars. Headquarters: - Na Kopci 31, Otice.

Tiles, paving. Plasterboards. Reconstruction of bathrooms, apartment cores. Rental: - scaffolding. Container transport.

Freight transport: - TATRA tipper - LIAZ flatbed - AD 080 crane. Earthmoving machines: - UDS 114 - excavator - loader CAT 428C, 428D - CAT M318 excavator - Liebherr 308A excavator - vibrating roller VV 111. Demolition. Preparatory work for buildings.

Earthwork. Excavation work. Container transport.

The company Rentor has been engaged in the transport of goods throughout Europe for 20 years. We offer transport by RENAULT MASTER and MERCEDES SPRINTER vehicles with a payload of up to 1500 kg and Citroën Berlingo (pick-up) with a payload of up to 700 kg. Cargo insurance is covered by our company up to CZK 1,000,000. The vehicles are equipped ...

Earthwork. Construction work. Demolition work. Removal of rubble.