Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

The PROMET LOGISTICS a.s. company from the Czech Republic focuses on inland and international transport all around the world. We have many years of experience in road freight and railway transport and transloading of palletized goods, substrates, chemicals and bulk materials in Western and Central Europe as well as in the former Sovet Union ...

Gas installation work Heating works Plumbing work Road transport up to 3.5 T

Company JC Trans, s.r.o. has provided its services in the field of domestic and international bus and truck transport since 1999. We emphasize individual approach, professionalism, reliability and above all safety in the transport of persons and cargo. You can therefore order buses for a trip or trip without any worries. Bus transportation:  - ...

Activity: - firewood - garden maintenance - road transport

The company PPL CZ Ltd. provides wide spectrum of express transport services You can get extra pack of express services. Express door-to-door transport of parcels for companies and entrepreneurs (B2B - business-to-business). The price of service standardly includes: -nation-wide express door-to-door transport of packages -weight of ...

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods, - goods operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods - Mediation of ...

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods

-Animal breeding and their training (with the exception of animal production) - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail -Pawn business and retail of used goods -Accommodation services - Real estate activity, management and maintenance of properties - Renting and lending of movable property -Design, design, arrangement ...

Road transport, transportation. Road freight transport: - national - international.

Services: - trucking - work by hydraulic hand - delivery of the container

Purchase, sorting, processing and sale of all types of metal waste: - iron - Copper - bronze - Brass - aluminium - zinc - lead. Transportation of bulk waste by trucks with a hydraulic arm. Digital scales and storage technology are available at all establishments - forklifts to facilitate the loading and unloading of scrap ...

Wholesale - hardware store - lumber, windows and doors - paints, varnishes, thinners Haulage Construction activity Rental of machines and tools Sale, service, rental of compressors Sale and division of metallurgical material Sale of building materials Garden architecture Tire service Wooden buildings Center for safe driving

Services: - container truck transport - delivery, removal of containers.

- Insulation - Tinsmithing and body repair - Painting, varnishing and painting - Installation, repair, inspection and testing of electrical equipment - Installation, repair, inspection and testing of gas equipment and filling of containers gases - Business in the field of hazardous waste management - Roofing, carpentry - Provision of ...

Moving non-stop throughout the Czech Republic. Moving services: - apartments, residences, libraries, archives, pianos, grand pianos, safes and other heavy loads - companies, offices, shops, warehouses. Disposal of estates. Road transport, transport of material.