Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

The company STROJÍRNY A OPRAVNY MILENOV spol. s r.o. is engaged in custom engineering production of technological equipment for wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants and pumping stations, technological parts for cement plants, lime plants, gravel plants and power plants, steel structures and pipe components. To ensure a high ...

Trucking Tatra 815. Import and export of building materials.

Trucking. Transport of raw material (limestone) for the production of clinker. Freight domestic and international road transport. Quarry transport, transport of aggregates and bulk materials. Tire service: - cars and trucks - construction industrial and agricultural machines.

Construction activity: - excavation work - road repairs - demolition work. Rental, sale: - construction machinery. Transport: - freight.

Velocha Josef specializes in the sale of black and brown coal, aggregates, briquettes and coke. Wood is suitable for boilers, fireplaces or stoves. Our other activities also include container transport and import of bulk materials. Sales of coal and firewood: - fuel - coke - black and brown coal - quality brown coal from Bílina - cube, ...

Domestic and foreign construction road transport - flatbeds and hydraulic arm for the whole area of Moravia For the surroundings of Hranice: Implementation of earthworks, landscaping. Sale of gravel and sand. Construction waste processing. Rental of waste and rubble containers.

International shipping. Road transport, transport: - freight transport - international.

Services: - trucking - forwarding - storage. Repair, service: - personal cars - trucks.

Road transport, transport: - international and domestic freight transport 8 to 24 tons - mobile cranes. - TATRA container carrier Rent, rental, pick-up, delivery: - container 10 m3 volume, load capacity 11 t - TATRA tipping sets - tipping set for removal of bulk materials

Road transport, transport: - international, freight, truck.

Sale: - building materials, building material, lumber, iron, sand, gravel, handicraft supplies, tools, paints, fasteners, electrical material, ladders, briquettes. Tool rental, scaffolding. Delivery of waste collection containers. Transport.

Former Technical Services of the City of Hranice. Road transport: - freight - work by special mechanisms. Repair, maintenance: - roads, roads - electrical equipment - electrical installations. Disposal: - waste (solid and municipal) Landfill operation. Gardening services: - plant care - manual and machine cleaning of ...

Construction activity: - construction, reconstruction of family houses - thermal insulation - installation of plasterboard, attic installations - masonry, handicraft work - container truck transport.

Services: - road transport - domestic freight transport - forwarding - transport of material Sale: - gravel - sand - duckling.

Construction company. Construction: -buildings - transport, engineering, water, ecological. Work: -demolition, demolition -ecological recycling and disposal of construction debris and waste. Road transport, construction machinery, car service. Sale of clay.

Transport: - wood materials. Production: - wood materials - firewood - wood chips. Sale: - firewood Cultivation activities in forestry.

Road transport: - transportation of loose and dusty materials - other materials as agreed.

Construction work: - repairs, reconstruction of bridges and roads - construction of sidewalks, parking lots - construction, reconstruction of utility networks - reconstruction, construction of buildings. Earthworks: - excavation work - pond cleaning. Road transport: - transportation of bulk materials.

Services: - international road transport - domestic road transport.

- sale of building materials - sale of sand and aggregate - domestic truck transport - extraction of dump trucks - provision of construction machinery and equipment - construction activity - haulage

Delivery: - newspapers - press, magazines - shipments.

Road transport, transportation: - domestic and international road transport - crane works. Repairs: - cars.

Agriculture. Livestock production, breeding, rearing: - cattle. Plant production, cultivation, sale: - wheat, poppy, barley, sugar, corn. Road transport, transport, transportation: - national - freight.