Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - national and international road transport

Production of electronic switching relay TEL-ALARM Earthworks, sewers, forest roads, dredging, freight transport, work with a grader and a vibratory roller.

The firm works in certified quality system according to CSN EN ISO 9001:2001 Inland and international forwarding, logistics and warehousing, customs services. INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING AND TRANSPORT: -full consignments and individual packages -express delivery -pick-up service -transport of hanging ready-made clothes and furniture ...

Services: - national and international road transport - storage - moving

Transport services: - express transport - bulky transport - bulk transport up to 25t - refrigerated refrigerated semi-trailers - container transport - collection service - storage of goods.

Road transport: - transport by MAN truck with three-way tipper (Avia A3, coal, gravel, sand and other building materials. The car has a load capacity of 4 tons and the dimensions of the cargo section for 6 pallets. Taxi service.

Forwarding, international truck forwarding: - transport in EU countries - road transport, truck transport, passenger transport, passenger transport to the airport.

Truck transport: - bulk materials - import of coal, gravel, sand.

Realization of roofs - plumbing work - roofing and carpentry work. Blown insulation - insulation of ceilings, roofs and buildings. Restoration of masonry - drying. Container freight transport - removal of debris, soil - import of sand, gravel.

Container transport. Sale: - sand, gravel, mixed concrete, wood. Demolition and clearing of objects. Trucks. Transport with hydraulic arm. Load capacity 8t.

Truck transport, consulting activities in the field of transporting dangerous goods by road, carrying out small constructions, modifications and repairs, green maintenance, summer and winter maintenance of roads, ensuring the activities of inspection technicians (electricity, gas, lifting equipment, pressure vessels), including training ...

Construction mechanization rental, tool rental, machine rental, earthwork, excavation work, sale of gravel, sale of sand, trucking.

Installation of engineering networks spol.s r.o. Prostejov partner of RWE - JMP a.s. Construction for companies, state organizations, authorities, private persons: - water pipes - gas pipelines - sewerage - boiler rooms. Earth and demolition work. Earth construction. Reconstruction: - engineering networks, building ...

Sales, rental: - caravans, camper vans ADRIA -trailers - trailers. Service: -caravans. Sale: -accessories and spare parts for caravans. Road transport.

Truck transport - domestic, national. Services: - moving houses, apartments and office premises - transportation of furniture, transportation of materials, goods.

Road transport: - road, motor, domestic and international truck transport - box and canvas vehicles with lifting platforms over 3.5t.

Travel agency - stay tours to Croatia, Greece and Italy, Winter and summer holidays including stays for seniors. Earth and excavation work, container transport.