Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Construction company: - water management, transport, land constructions - transport and mechanization.

Services: - forestry activity - road freight motor transport - sawmill production - grower distillery

Container transport Haulage Wastewater treatment plant Demolition Earth and excavation works

International and domestic road transport: - piece and palletized transport goods -express transport up to 1.5 t. Forwarding. Comprehensive customs services. International and domestic shipping. Logistics. Business activity.

Express service: - national - international - up to 3.5t. Haulage - national.

Earth, excavation work and road transport. Earthwork with a mini excavator.

International truck transport: - transport of dangerous goods, ADR - freezer truck - isothermal car - flat trailers for the transport of sheet metal coils. Forwarding.