Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Truck transport - international Forwarding

Removal and disposal of building materials. Demolition work Plasterboard works Tiling works Reconstruction and modernization of apartments. Masonry work

Autobazar possibility of purchase on leasing or credit Sale - tires Fleet management Truck transport

Domestic freight transport. - folding by conveyor Delivery - coal - coke - peat and lignite briquettes - sawdust briquettes

Car rental Cleaning car interiors Towing service Bazaar of construction machinery Storage Logistics International and domestic transport Migration

Mediation of transport services and crane work work with a high-lift platform.

Services - bus transport, passenger transport - truck transport

Road transport. Express transport of goods in cold stores.

Storage Logistics Haulage - domestic up to 24t Sale - colors - varnishes - tiling - paving stones - building materials.

Haulage Production - building stone - tiling - paving stones Sale of building materials.

Domestic delivery and freight transport of cars over 3.5 tons. Moving services.

Services: - shipping - freight, rail and air transport to Russia - customs services

Services: -international and domestic container transport

Truck transport by flatbed truck.

Services - bringing the container - haulage - transportation of sand, gravel, stones - winter maintenance of roads and roads - disposal of waste - disposal of landfills - earthworks

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - system of express transportation of pieces shipments throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia - TOPTRANS (delivery time 24 hours) -international and domestic shipping company - forwarding - comprehensive customs services - road truck transport in the Czech Republic and ...

Services - forwarding - domestic and foreign truck transport

We carry out the removal and disposal of waste and debris and clean up premises. We transport and sell sand, gravel, gravel and recycled materials.

Crafts, services - roofing work - repairs and reconstruction of roofs - masonry work - clearing of grounds, objects - import and export of containers

Services - international and domestic truck transport, specialization in chilled and frozen goods

Services - shipping - customs services - storage - forwarding - international freight transport - transportation of full-car and piece shipments - transportation of dangerous and oversized goods