Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Production - spare parts for cars - drain plugs - flow screws - hydraulic fittings Haulage Turning work Metalworking - spare parts for cars - drain plugs - flow screws - hydraulic fittings Forestry

International and domestic road transport up to 3.5 t. - personal transport, 1 + 7 persons - transportation by Ford Transit Tourneo - transportation of a smaller number of people (1 - 7 people) - domestic personal transport by minibus - passenger transport by international minibuses - domestic and international passenger transport by ...

Domestic road transport Crane work Delivery - mobile cranes AD 28, JCB, DH 112, T815 S3, VOLVO FM 12 tractor Earthwork Delivery - reinforced concrete panels and pits

Container transport - Garbage Collection Haulage - national - up to 12t

Freight transport truck LIAZ

Container transport - TATRA cars - load capacity 15t Truck transport - national Disposal - wastes Earthwork - preparatory work for buildings

Transportation: - rubble - bulk materials.

Sale: - building materials - hardware store, - colors - tools - household and garden supplies. - gardening - road transport - earthworks, containers Branch - buildings: Boleslavská třída 2438 Nymburk Phone: 325514161, 777340555 Branch - garden center: Boleslavská třída 2438 Nymburk Phone: ...

Debris removal - import of material Demolition Making - base plates Earth and excavation works

International truck transport: - Spain, Italy.

Sale: -fuels, - construction costs. Haulage.

International and domestic transportation of vehicles.

Truck transport Air Transport Sea transport Logistics services Road transport

Work: -plumbing - covering -cleaning - heating -plumbing. Road transport: -earthworks-UNC -truck with hydraulic arm - transportation of rubble, gravel and sand. Sale: - building materials. Construction work: - insulation of concrete structures - insulation of flat roofs -thermal insulation. Plant care. Application of paint ...

Comprehensive services with vans in domestic road freight transport - up to 1.4t

Haulage Waste management Earthwork Construction work

Container transport for the construction industry - rent - containers Freight transport for the construction industry Freight transport for the construction industry Demolition Earth and excavation works - gliding

Truck transport - up to 3.5t - flatbed up to 2.5t Provides - technical services of cities Proposals and implementation - garden and agricultural activity (complete hay harvest - chopping, drying, collecting) Garden work

Freight transport of all kinds. Forwarding 24 hours a day. Business activity. Central Europe.