Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services - logistics - truck and container transport. Earthworks, demolition and surface treatment - utility network connections.

Domestic and international freight transport

Services: - domestic, international road transport - shipping - harvesting work using a combine harvester.

Road transport: -international road Transport - forwarding.

Offer of international and domestic freight transport operated by vehicles up to a total weight of 3.5t. Through our contractual partners, we also provide whole truck transports.

Truck transport: -national, international.

Road transport, services: -international, domestic transportation of food refrigerated/freezer vehicles.

Technical Services: - administration of the city cemetery - road transport -removal of faeces - ground work -renting, borrowing - high-lift platform -public lighting -sprinkling service and packaging facilities.

Transport: -personal -tourist -freight. Parking available. Sale of chip cards.

Would you like to make land improvements? Do you want to buy and bring sand or gravel? Do you need to remove waste or construction debris? Earthworks and road transport Petr Vandas is here for you. We make landscaping according to the project or according to your ideas, we carry out excavation work. We also offer loading and unloading of building ...

International and domestic transport.

Haulage. Taxi service: - contractual transport. Excavation work.