Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Our company STABO MB s.r.o. based in the district of Třebíč deals with the implementation of buildings and construction design work. We also offer services in freight transport, facade insulation, earthworks and other services related to construction. Our services: - realization of constructions - design work - facade insulation - ...

The company Václav Klofáč carries out earthworks and construction works. Excavation work, excavation of foundations and foundation strips, landscaping. We offer truck transport, sale and delivery of gravel and sand. Demolition work, laying interlocking paving or clearing snow. Activity: - earthworks - construction work - terrain work - ...

Services: -truck transport - transportation of bulk materials

Car service, car repair shop for cars and trucks: -all mechanical repairs -general repairs of engines and gearboxes - clutch, brake, axle repairs -car repairs after an accident -changes of timing belts, exhausts, etc. -plumbing work, car plumber - boiling of the body - electrical work, car electrician -regular vehicle inspections - oil ...

Plant Protection Center: -tel: 566622432. Wholesale: -industrial fertilizers, fertilizer -hard, liquid -calcium masses (dolomitic limestone) -agrochemicals. Advice on plant protection and nutrition. Application: -industrial fertilizers, limestone -Wow. Services: -plant protection -application of pesticides -spreading ...

Production: -engineering company: -Machining -welding -material division -CNC sheet metal processing Retail: -fireplace inserts -metallic material, including tailoring and import to the customer Services: -transport

Turnkey constructions: -agricultural halls for poultry, pigs, cattle -concrete round tanks -silage troughs -biogas stations -industrial halls -civil buildings -residential houses -sports halls -steel constructions. Agricultural halls: -568838840, Mechanization rental, tools: -568838821, 724090787, ...

Domestic trucking services: - trucking, - mobile cranes, cranes - rental of mobile cranes - crane work - earthworks with a backhoe - manual machine excavation work

Production: -cereals, oilseeds-rapeseed, mustard -poppy. Waves: -sheet metal. Road transport: -AVIA 20 -mobile crane AD080. Woodworking: - construction of the roof -other carpentry work. Saw: -cut, wood. Sale: - lumber.

Road transport and earthworks in Moravské Budějovice and the surrounding area. Excavation and landscaping with a mini excavator, transportation of building materials.

International bus transport, forwarding, ADR, delivery trucking and storage of goods - all this will be taken care of by the company SPEDQUICK Třebíč, spol.s r.o.

Services: -transport -ground work. Retail: -sand -ammonium. Warehouse (orders, shipping) Rozňák 240 580 01 Havlickuv Brod phone number: +420 603 847 602