Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Comprehensive services in the field of domestic and international transport. Express transport. Just-in-time. Mediation of transport.

Crop production, retail, wholesale: -cereals: -wheat, barley -corn, canola -poppy, cumin Sale: -piglets, pigs -oil. Field work: -tillage -sowing -harvest. Road transport, transport, transportation: -domestic TATRA 815, LIAZ. Post-harvest line Zlín: 607563213 Machová workshop: 730156306 Farm ...

The company Pavel Mrázek - MP stav deals with construction activities, trucking and earthworks. We provide construction of houses, masonry and tiling work, landscaping and demolition. We are located in the village Rudimov, district Zlín. Our activity, construction work: - construction of family houses - facades - tiling work, tiling - ...

Forwarding, logistics, trucking: - transport of building materials - transport of bulk materials in tanks - wagons with hydraulic arm.

Sales, delivery: -sand, stone, gravel, bark -building material -recyclate -building rubble. Road transport, transport, transportation: -containers Work: -Machine UNC. Scope of the company: -Zlín Region.

Sales, transport: - Aggregates of all kinds: - crushed stone, quarry stone, gabion stone, gravel, sand, pebbles, gravel, decorative aggregates. Transportation: - concrete, clay, building material. Establishment: - Slušovice, area of former greenhouses.

Activity: - earthworks and excavations - trucking - transport and towing of vehicles - mowing grass - felling of vegetation - cleaning of paved surfaces - sweeping and snow removal

Services: - national and international trucking

Construction company. Construction, building: -land buildings, turnkey houses. Work: -Masonry: tiling, paving, facades -reconstruction: -apartments and non-residential premises. Transportation: -containers hydraulic arm -ground work.

Trucking. Distribution and sales.

Forestry production - logging. Sawmill production - wood processing. Road transport, transport, transportation of wood, logs: - domestic, domestic freight - foreign, international freight. Services: - liquidation of calamities - growing activity - forest nursery - mining activity - wood. Sale: - lumber.

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding - logistics

Services, purchase, processing, liquidation: purchase of waste paper, foils, plastics -waste, hazardous waste. Possibility of waste transport. Road transport, transport, transportation: -freight domestic (domestic) and international (foreign).

Production and renovation of hydraulic jacks. Freight transport, delivery of containers. Handling and transport technology. Field work for crop production. Mediation of purchase and service of DESTA forklifts. Repair of agricultural machinery. Washing vehicles using a high pressure washer. Sale of fuels.

Road transport: - by truck - national and international. - measurement of petrol and diesel emissions

Road transport, transport, transportation: - road freight transport - truck transport.

Road transport, transport, transportation: -international foreign freight automobile truck -domestic domestic truck. Transport by vehicles: -RENAULT, VOLVO, MERCEDES. Specialization: -the country of the whole of Europe.

Trucking. Tour, bus transport: We implement, provide transport: -stays by the sea with accommodation -trips -cognitive tours -tours-thermal -ski tours -cycle tours -tourist trips -school trips

Road transport, transport, transportation: - freight - international (foreign): - freight forwarding - forwarding, forwarding activity - express transport.

Road transport, transportation, transport: -freight domestic (domestic) -personal home and abroad -bus transport to 16 seats -personal transport by luxury vehicle. Sightseeing flights by private plane. Services: -ensuring the disposal of surplus stocks, waste management - excluding dangerous -disposal of halls, boiler rooms, ...

Road transport, international transport, transportation: -moving of all kinds: -apartments, family houses -companies, offices -moving heavy loads -cleaning of objects. Services: -packing of all things -loans of shipping boxes -disassembly and composition of furniture -disposal of remaining waste and furniture -shredding ...

Work: -ground, excavation, reclamation -demolition. Road transport, transport, transportation: -road freight - bulk materials Services: -storage and recycling of inert waste (waste) -transport of liquid waste in ADR mode. Sale: -recycled material.

We operate :, - passenger and truck transport up to 24 tons - we provide express transport of piece shipments.

Road transport: - domestic transport - international transport - forwarding. Storage space. Service: - repairs of all motor vehicles - tire service for trucks and cars - hand washing of trucks.

Truck transport. International transport up to 25t from the Moravia-Slezko region. Export - Import CZ-Italy-CZ.