Moving apartments and companies, it is possible to implement both in the international and domestic scale. Part of the moving services will be the exact calculation of the price, meticulous organization, sufficient preparation, safe handling and still fast shipping the equipment to the place of destination.

Customs services Truck transport Transportation - piece shipments Air Transport - piece shipments Naval transport Logistics services Freight transport Moving services for companies and private individuals Rail transport.

Height work, construction work, cleaning services, moving services

Security and detective services physical security of property, protection and escort of vehicles, search for persons or vehicles and their monitoring Moving apartments, offices, heavy loads - cleaning of residential and non-residential premises Receivables - enforcement Real estate activities Regular and one-off cleanings Catering ...

SERVICES: -local moving in Prague and Brno - moving throughout the Czech Republic -moving in buildings -special work (pianos, safes, machinery. . . ) - complete packaging service - assembly, disassembly of furniture - shredding of documents -storage. TURNKEY MOVING: - apartments, offices, company headquarters, ...

Our moving company deals with moving apartments, family houses, but also companies, offices, or various professional professions. We are also no strangers to international moving. We can deal with art objects and heavy loads in the form of a piano or a safe. You can also contact us in the case of clearing the estate, cellar or land. Our team can ...

Services: - car rental - international and domestic road transport - moving

Painting work, moving to the Czech Republic and the EU.

Handling work: - clearing estates, floors, cellars and other spaces - small-scale moving work - handling work in warehouses - unloading trucks. Auxiliary construction work: - excavation work - demolition of a larger scale - punching for electricians, gasmen and water distribution - disposal of debris after natural disasters ...

Migration - apartments - offices - sensitive devices - up to 50t

Courier transport service - economical and efficient delivery of shipments - delivery of express parcels in the Czech Republic and abroad - flower delivery - moving services - packaging, assembly

Transport of furniture and cleaning of premises.

Truck transport, delivery of goods. Migration.

Car rental Cleaning car interiors Towing service Bazaar of construction machinery Storage Logistics International and domestic transport Migration

Domestic delivery and freight transport of cars over 3.5 tons. Moving services.

Work: - painting. - painting. - reconstruction, cleaning of facades. - waterproofing of flat roofs. -demolition, demolition. Services: -moving apartments, offices. - property clearance.

Services - moving apartments, offices, heavy loads - cleaning of houses, flats, skeps

Services - truck transport - international, domestic - van transport - international, domestic - moving - transportation of goods, sand, stones - removal of rubble and waste

Crafts, services - moving machines and heavy loads - heat and cold insulation - surface treatment, painting, blasting, galvanizing Installation, assembly - steel constructions - stainless steel pipes - steam boiler rooms, steam heating Graphics studio - photography - video composition - 3D animation

-Sale of equipment for moving heavy loads (wheeled platforms/transport chassis, industrial jacks); -Minor moving around Prague;

Services: - liquidation and purchase of estates