National and international rail transport allows the transport of palletized goods, bulk materials, substrates, brown and black coal, biomass, coke and other materials, raw materials or goods. Transportation in cars is implemented by freight forwarding companies.

Forwarding company providing transportation worldwide, using a reliable network of agents. International and domestic freight transport - air, rail and sea container transport, forwarding, customs services and storage.

Services: - shipping - freight, rail and air transport to Russia - customs services

Services: - operation of national and international rail transport - operation of railway sidings - rental of railway cars

Transportation by rail. Training and testing of train drivers, preparation of train drivers for exams. Hire of drivers. RID Security Advisor Function.

Intermediation of international transport. Services: - road transport - bulk LCL/collective shipments - Naval transport - rail and intermodal transport - air Transport - project management - customs clearance

SPEDI-TRANS Prague, Ltd. supplies these services: railway and road forwarding, shipping business, storage, supply and customs services. Railway transport: -inland carriage of goods -carriage of goods in high-capacity wagons Habbins and Hbbins -carriage of bulky consignments, containers, equipment complex. Road transport: -haulage/truck ...

The company Gestiv Bohemia was established in August 2000. Services: - road transport - air Transport - sea transport - rail transport.

International freight transport - EU Domestic road transport. Freight transportation by rail. Transportation of dangerous goods.

International shipping and logistics. Transport, transportation: - truck - railway - maritime - aviation - collection service Storage of goods and their distribution. Trade fair logistics. More than 58,000 employees in 900 offices in 100 countries offer complete logistics services.