Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Road transport - domestic and international transport - moving - logistics, forwarding - transportation of parcels. Place of business: Hybešova 545, 664 42 Modřice

Services: - truck transport car with hand

Services: - forwarding -international and domestic transport - transport in ADR mode - transportation of oversized loads

Taxi service - transport service especially for companies and travel agencies - throughout the Czech Republic and the EU - transfers to the international airport

Express delivery service - delivery within 4 hours of collection throughout the Czech Republic - within 6 hours Slovakia, Austria - until 12 o'clock Germany, Poland - until 4 p.m. France, Italy, Benelux Logistics Transport - freight (domestic and international) - from 1 kg to 24,000 kg, 120 m3 and oversized and oversized - insurance of ...

We operate international and domestic road freight transport. Road transport. courier and forwarding company Logistics storage of goods Transportation of parcels.

Services: - domestic road transport -building management - implementation of constructions

Services: -transport - logistics - forwarding

Services: -rail transport - road transport -city transport -water transport

Logistics, storage - outsourcing of logistics services.

Construction, transport and trading company. Holder of the ČSN quality system certificate EN ISO 9001:2001 and the Environmental Management System Certificate ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005. Demolition, debris removal, earthworks. Buildings: -utilities -roads and paved areas - railway sidings. Waste management incl. dangerous. Recycling: - ...

Car bazaar, sale: - personal cars Importation: - cars from abroad. Towing service Haulage. Service: - all mechanical work - plumbing work - painting work - car electrical works including diagnostics - preparation and execution of technical inspection.

Road transport, carrying out excavation, ground, terrain, demolition, masonry and construction works (construction of engineering networks, foundation slabs, laying of interlocking paving, construction of gabions, etc.). Container road transport, removal of rubble, soil, import of sand, gravel, etc.

Services: -freight container transport. - ground work.

Baking decorative, edible and birthday gingerbread, cakes and sweets. gingerbreads with the motif of various professions, hobbies, signs, animals, books and more.

services in the areas of passenger transport throughout the territory of the Czech Republic and Europe. We provide transportation in a representative car with air conditioning.

Property management and maintenance Finishing construction work Moving services Cleaning of commercial sectors Household and family Family and household services Hourly wife-housekeeper Hourly husband - minor maintenance Babysitting-au-pauir Babysitting and walking pets Services for healthcare

Forwarding and logistics. Complete logistics services. Collection service Austria. Connection to the Lagermax distribution network.

Railway station - Brno main station transportation -personal -freight

DB Schenker is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics and global rail forwarding services. Brno branch.

Haulage: - domestic -international. Repair: - road vehicles. Shop with transport equipment. Rental of trucks, semi-trailers and trailers. Truck towing service.

Bus service: -buses of domestic and foreign production (VENTO, NEOPLAN, BODY). International bus transport.