Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Road transport. Road motor freight transport.

Work, services: -Avia trucking -Working with UNC-060.

Domestic and international freight transport. Operation of road transport up to 3.5 tons.

Road transport. Freight transport up to 25t. Earth and excavation work with an excavator.

Autodravka Mráček. Transportation - piece shipments - persons.

Services: - road transport - van rental -inflatable boats with an engine up to 5 HP.

Services: - moving apartments and companies in Brno, throughout the Czech Republic, and to Slovakia - truck transport within the Czech Republic and Slovakia - service of vehicles of all brands.