Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Services: - Naval transport - air Transport - container transport - storage.

Truck transport: - domestic - foreign

Services - domestic and international shipping - forwarding.

Domestic and international truck transport over 3.5t Preparatory work for construction Earthwork

Fuels Sale from covered landfill: - dry coal brown, black, coke, -coal briquettes, loose and packed wood - transport to the place -cleaning with a hydraulic belt -soft, hard, dried firewood, loose and packed, chips for kindling. Sale: -propane-butane bombs 2, 10, 33kg. Drivers Mr. Křídlo 606646299 Mr. Fichtner ...

Stavoka Hradec Králové a.s. - construction of pipelines, communication and power lines -land and engineering construction - road freight transport

Services: - moving houses, apartments, companies, non-residential premises - assembly, disassembly of furniture

Services - container transport - land freight transport - sea transport. Sale - semi-trailers and trailers. Truck service.

Taxi service, online sale of wicker goods. Haulage. We also rent construction machines with operators.

Services: - transport of concrete and concrete mixtures - sale, transportation of aggregate, sand, gravel, crushed stone - winter road maintenance Car service: - trucks and passenger motor vehicles

Coal warehouses sale : - coal - briquettes - coke - sands - gravel - crush Container transport - delivery and removal of containers removal of construction material, waste.. Trutnov branch: Elektrárenská 548 734 575 555

Freight and van transport - domestic and international transport - express transport. Car service, car repair shop. Vehicle towing. Van rental company. Storage.

Services: -transportation to Russia - logistics -haulage

Realization of flat and sloping roofs. Earthwork. Road transport - transportation of bulk materials. Crane work.

Bus and freight transport, road transport: - comprehensive services in the field of transport - rent - luxury foreign buses for 45 and 49 people - Karosa tour buses for 45 people - Karosa tour buses for 60 people, 20 - minibuses for 17, 8 people - personal cars - We drive an Iveco box with an electric front for half the price load ...

Azto transport: Transport, road transport: - cargo - national (domestic) - international - express transport of small parcels - forwarding and customs services - moving. Place of business: Area of former military barracks Opatovice nad Labem

Forwarding, transport, logistics: - international road Transport - domestic road freight transport - transportation of goods by refrigerated trucks - transportation of dangerous goods in the ADR regime - international truck transport in Europe and Asia. - specialization in the East (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, ...

Activity: - transportation of parcels - transportation of bulky shipments - transportation of motor vehicles.

Road transport, shipping, forwarding: - transportation of piece shipments in the form of collection transportation - storage of goods + transshipment of goods Sale: - tires for all types of vehicles - spare parts for other foreign trucks. Keeping records of goods in the EU (Intrastat).

Construction, construction: - reconstruction of buildings - civil construction -family houses - industrial buildings - reconstruction of roads - gardens -swimming pools Services: - road transport

Scrap metal - collection, purchase, redemption, disposal: - all metal waste - purchase of non-ferrous metals at world prices (Al, Cu, ..) - unnecessary equipment and technologically demanding metal waste - all possible disposal of equipment and technology on site (boiler rooms, halls, large machines, production equipment) - removal of ...

- Excessive transportation - domestic road transport - international road transport - frigo - cooling - fleet of vehicles - logistics.