Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Exclusive representation of the company PORTAS, professional PORTAS plant. Renovation, repair: -doors, frames, frames -stairs, stairs -kitchen. Surface finish: -plastic surface -original design, colors. Other Internet address: - www.portas.de

Road transport: - personal car transport - taxi service.

Retail, wholesale, sales: - new and used spare parts for passenger cars, car parts - tires, discs. Tire service. Towing service. Disposal of car wrecks (passenger, truck). Road transport - foreign truck transport, transport. Sale: - older buses.

Moving, personal transport, express delivery service and home shopping in and around Ostrava.

Courier services, domestic and international transport by vans up to 3.5t

Delivery express transport up to 3.5 t. Transportation of pallet and parcel shipments.

Forwarding activity, vehicle recovery.

Taxi service. Consultation - cultural production - discotheques - dance entertainment DJ at weddings, family celebrations, school events.

Domestic and international freight transport. Forwarding. Repairs: - personal cars - lorries - commercial vehicles.