Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Are you looking for a reliable transport company to transport your goods? Do you need fast, high-quality and reliable freight transport? Our company has been operating since 1990 and is happy to offer you its services, we deal with national and international freight transport, as well as forwarding activities. We carry out transport mainly for ...

Road transport. International bulk transport.

Construction production: -gas pipelines-VVTL, VTL, STL, NTL, including reconstruction of these gas pipelines and installation of control stations -construction of water and sewage networks -rehabilitation of old pipelines -conducting stress tests on new pipelines -cementation of steel and cast iron pipes from 100 to 600 mm in diameter ...

Construction work of all kinds: - adaptation, reconstruction and repairs - tiling - ceramic tiles -plasterboards -laying interlocking paving - new buildings - turnkey buildings - medical installation - locksmith work. Domestic freight transport.

Sale: -all building materials -Velux skylights - roof coverings Bramac, Onduline, Tondach - construction chemistry Soudal - Schiedel chimneys - ceiling structure YTONG, Wieneberger - mortars, plasters, adhesives Hasit, Baumit, cement, Czech-Moravian cement -windows, doors Solo Sušice - stairs Teraso Horaždovice -lock paving ...

Haulage - national - international - load capacity up to 12t

Services: - oversized shipping -rental of mobile cranes - ground work -demolition.