Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Truck transport: - national - international - express

Services: - moving - road transport

Services: - international truck transport - ADR - storage, logistics - vehicle towing - tire service for cars and trucks

Transportation of whole and partial consignments. International and domestic truck transport. Bulk transportation. Shipping.

Domestic and international transport, passenger transport, forwarding and logistics services.

Domestic and international freight transport.

Work: - earthy - excavation with an excavator - crane Sales, shipping: - sand, gravel, gravel

Driving school. International and domestic trucking. Forwarding. Management of accounting and tax records.

Transport, forwarding - road freight transport - storage. Gas station. Restaurant.

Earth and excavation works - excavations - digging foundations - utilities - demolition. Importation - sand - gravel. Painting, painting works.

Taxi service - passenger transportation. Courier service throughout Europe.

Our services: - domestic and international shipping - forwarding - storage of goods. Construction activity - heating works - plumbing work - core drilling.

Work: - earthy - terrain work - demolition work - truck transport

Logistics. Operator training and inspection of motorized handling carts.

Activity: - recycling of construction waste - sale of recycled materials - earthworks - demolition - truck transport

Services: - earth and demolition work - truck transport

Work: - earthmoving machine CAT 432D - road transport with Tatra vehicles

Services: - international truck transport - forwarding