Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Complex services in the field of logistics - customs services - customs consultancy - warehouses - transport: air, sea, train and road.

International and domestic road freight transport.

Services: -transportation of materials Work: - ground and excavation

Transport, services: - piece shipments, - pallet shipments, - aviation, - maritime, - storage, - logistics outsourcing, - customs agency, - logistics.

Work: - plasterboard -flooring - painting and varnishing Road transport: -transportation of material

Railway station - Train station. transport -personal -freight

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Road transport - debris removal - import of construction material - excessive costs - earthmoving machines Demolition Establishment - buildings Earthwork - terrain work

Our company Signál, Dopravní záčení spol. s.r.o. deals with all activities related to traffic signaling equipment, traffic measurement and securing construction sites. Production, assembly, service, rental, sale: - traffic signs and equipment - light signalization. Our products: - traffic lights and accessories - warning and warning ...

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods, - goods operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods

Moving in Ústí nad Labem and surroundings at the lowest prices. Moving households, companies, safes and pianos.

Our services: - domestic and international transport - moving - catering.

Migration - companies - households -machinery

Forwarding, domestic and international shipping service.

Design, engineering and assembly company. Technology and equipment for road transport, communications, roads, highways.

Truck transport - national and international - cisterns, bathtubs Road transport Road transport

Truck transport - national - TATRA dump trucks Earthwork

Travel agency Bus transportation - domestic and foreign vehicles with luxury equipment - year-round domestic and foreign - 45, 51, 61, 67, 75 seats Minibus transport - capacity 9, 15, 20,

Services: - national and international road transport - piece shipments - logistics - customs services.