Taxis offers a comprehensive service of transport services of persons, but also objects. The ride to the airport, from the hospital or from a shopping centre. There is both national and international taxi service, but also transport small packages from one place to another.

Contract transportation of persons - taxi service

Metalworking - road transport (from passenger transport to freight transport) - plumbing - construction work - repairs, assembly, disassembly of machinery - mediation of services.

Offer of passenger and truck transport for art ensembles, theaters and bands. Production and repairs of scenic decorations.

Taxi service: - transportation of people and parcels - transportation of wheelchair users - six-seat passenger transportation + transfer service - transportation to the airport - help prince - 19 passenger cars (4/6 seats, 1/wheelchair, 14/5 seats).

We offer passenger transport by minibuses.

Taxi service. Courier. Transport - airport Full-day car rental with driver. Jeseniky-Bruntál region

Container transport - DAEWOO, AVIA D90 trucks - import of sand, gravel, crushed stone, gravel, other building materials - removal of rubble, soil Personal car transport - capacity 1+8 people - national - FORD TRANSIT

Taxi service: - 2 vehicles VW Passat, Ford Mondeo 4 seats - 24/7 service - price 21 CZK/km - distance discounts.

Daily and one-time delivery of goods Goods transport - trucks and vans up to 3.5t Moving service - up to 1.3t - national and international - NISSAN cars Transportation of hotel guests - personal and contractual transport

Bus service Transportation - minibuses Personal transport - middle and upper class cars - limousines (VIP service)

Haulage - national and international Personal transport Custom production - ceramics - relief sculpture - House signs Sale - ceramic utensils (clay, glazes, kilns, circles, ...) Advice - architecture Advice - construction industry Teaching - ceramic techniques - art education for primary, ...

Bus service - national - international Transportation of people from the airport to hotels by minibuses Transportation of people from the airport to hotels by passenger cars.

Transportation of VIP personalities transfers - sightseeing tours

Domestic and international freight transport Migration Taxi service

Services: - short-term and long-term vehicle rentals - transport, transport - minibus - rental of a 5-seater Ford Tranzit truck with a driver - rental of an 8-seater Peugeot Boxer with a driver - bus transportation mediation.

Lease - luxury limousines MERCEDES, LEXUS, AUDI, LINCOLN LIMOUSINE - excursion routes, weddings - for leading companies, important personalities, organizers of prestigious events, clients celebrating a life anniversary, wedding guests - refreshments can be ordered in the limousine upon request - in the case of a wedding, also ...

We provide road national and international motorized passenger transport. Transportation of shipments up to 750 Kg.

Operation of a taxi service in the city of České Budějovice.

EURO DRIVE passenger transport, taxi service: - with above-standard services in an acceptable price range, air conditioning, on-board television with the possibility of watching both selected stations and DVDs and videos according to the client's wishes, internet connection.