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+420 553 623 086

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Bozeny Nemcove 20
Opava 746 01

ZAMZE - spol. s r.o.

ZAMZE - SPOL. s r.o. is a tinsmith company that manufactures and assembles chimneys. We provide all chimney work in which you will find installation of chimney liners, milling and lining chimneys.

We provide chimney lining and other chimney work:

 - production of chimneys
 - three-component thermally insulated chimneys in various designs
 - installation of chimneys
 - Chimney milling
 - lining of chimneys for solid fuels
 - lining for condensing and turbo boilers plastic material

 - production and assembly of air conditioning
 - plumbing - downpipes, roof sheeting, etc.
 - chimney cleaning

We also replace, manufacture, sell and install flue liners:

 - aluminum
 - stainless steel
 - three-component chimneys
 - thermally insulated
 - for gas and solid fuels.
 - for atmospheric, turbo and condensing boilers.

For three-component chimneys, we offer the possibility of color adjustment of the outer jacket. We strive to ensure short delivery times for our customers.

We have been on the market for more than 23 years and we have a lot of experience and satisfied customers.

Czech Companies

Chimney sweep workRoofing and plumbing workChimneysAir conditioning and ventilation



ZAMZE - spol. s r.o.
Bozeny Nemcove 20
Opava 746 01
GPS: 49°55′50.77″ N, 17°54′41.69″ E

49°55′50.77″ N, 17°54′41.69″ E

QR kód firmy ZAMZE - spol. s r.o.
WEBSITE ZAMZE - spol. s r.o.


Bozeny Nemcove 20
Opava 746 01
+420 553 623 086

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