DAF Trucks CZ, s.r.o.

Zdebradska 61, Ricany - Jazlovice 251 01
Telephone: +420 323 626 102

The company DAF Trucks CZ, s.r.o. deals with the development, production, marketing and sale of medium and heavy commercial vehicles, as well as the import, distribution and service of DAF trucks. We also manufacture spare parts, components for axle assemblies, complete engines for buses and special vehicles.
We also offer the DAF ITS assistance service. In the event of a breakdown or other unexpected event, you can call the single line +31 40 214 3000 throughout Europe and we will provide everything you need. It also provides comprehensive preventive maintenance, service and necessary repairs of DAF vehicles, and we mediate vehicle financing and driver training.

Production, distribution, sales, service
- DAF vans
- DAF trucks
- DAF CF and DAF XF vehicle models
- spare parts
- used DAF vehicles.

Assistance service - International Truck Service ITS:
- Europe - wide ITS telephone number +31 402 143 000
- The service is available 24/7 and provided in 10 languages
- the services are not only for vehicles, but also for superstructures and semi-trailers.

Vehicle financing:
- DAF has its own leasing company, PACCAR Financial
- financial or operating leases
- financing of new and used vehicles ..

DAF Service kit:
- preventive maintenance of vehicles
- repairs of power units
- breakdown assistance.

DAF driver training:
- The courses focus on better efficiency and a cleaner environment, delivering fuel savings and better driver predictability
- control vehicles in the most efficient way
- rides under the supervision of a trainer.

Our company has a strong and stable position in the European market. We manufacture and supply DAF commercial and trucks, spare parts and offer quality and professional services associated with operation, service and financing. The seat is at Zděbradská 61, Říčany - Jažlovice.

Reg. No.: 64945324
VAT No.: CZ64945324
District: Praha-vychod
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: 6 - 25 employees
Turnover: 4 000 thousand - 8 000 thousand €
Contact person: Iva Pauleová

+420 323 626 102
+420 323 626 102



Contact persons:
Iva Pauleova

GPS: 49°57′56.07″ N, 14°37′40.17″ E

Company's QR code DAF Trucks CZ, s.r.o.

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