Jiri Novak

c.p. 532 - sklep u vlakoveho nadrazi, Boretice 691 08
Business of entity has been terminated.

Wine cellar "U dědy"

-sale of wines, bottled wine
-Tasting with a sommelier
-wine cellar for up to 50 people.
-live music to order
-cold kitchen, warm kitchen- according to order
-outdoor seating.

Year-round accommodation, for up to 22 beds.
Tourist hostel above the cellar, common soc. device.

  • tour of wine cellar, sitting in wine bar, wine tasting, free wine degustations, guided wine degustations, sale of wines from cellar
  • barrel wines, dry wines, semi-dry wines, semi-sweet wines, sweet wines, pink wines, red wines, green wines
  • accommodation facility services, in-house car park, basic room equipment, separate sanitary facilities, in-house kitchen

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