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+420 515 334 455

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Nadrazni 1240/31
Miroslav 671 72

Burning of material on CNC centers up to a sheet thickness of 200 mm the Czech Republic

Burning of sheet metal up to 200 mm thick on CNC centers using acetylene and oxygen is provided by the company AR Brno from the Czech Republic. Based on an agreement, we also burn sheets thicker than 200 mm.

Do you need to cut metallurgical material? Are you looking for a company that burns material with a thickness of 200 mm and more? Contact AR Brno in the Czech Republic. We burn the material at CNC centers.

We own two CNC centers for burning of material. We usually burn sheets with a thickness of 200 mm and a maximum weight of 10 tons. However, in agreement with the customer, we are able to process sheets of greater thickness, up to 300 mm.

We burn on CNC using oxygen or acetylene.


Non-destructive testing of welds, forgings, castings, radiographic, ultrasonic, capillary and magnetic methods the Czech Republic

Non-destructive testing of welds, forgings, castings, radiographic, ...

Non-destructive testing of welds, forgings and castings of various types and shapes is performed by the company AR Brno from the Czech Republic. We provide radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, capillary and magnetic methods. Do you ...

Vertical and horizontal cutting of metal up to 12 tons on band saws the Czech Republic

Vertical and horizontal cutting of metal up to 12 tons on band saws the ...

Vertical and horizontal metal cutting will be provided by AR Brno, spol. s r.o. from Czech Republic. We cut material weighing up to 12 tons with a size of 800x1200 mm and a maximum diameter of 800 mm. Do you need to divide a metal part? ...



AR Brno, spol. s r.o.
Nadrazni 1240/31
Miroslav 671 72
GPS: 48°56′28.61″ N, 16°19′22.12″ E

48°56′28.61″ N, 16°19′22.12″ E

QR kód firmy AR Brno, spol. s r.o.
WEBSITE AR Brno, spol. s r.o.


Nadrazni 1240/31
Miroslav 671 72

+420 515 334 455

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