The Ivan Král company provides its customers with comprehensive construction work. We provide construction of houses, masonry work, reconstruction, machine plaster, cast floors, plasterboard or tiling work. We are located in the village Řehlovice, district Ústí nad Labem. Construction activity, construction, work: - family houses - ...

Services, installation: - wiring - electrical revisions - security and camera systems - access systems Production, assembly: - garage door - entrance gates

Joinery, production, assembly: - inbuilt wardrobe - kitchen units, kitchen - custom furniture

Services: - international freight transport - transport of waste, bulk metals - ADR - earthworks

Construction activity, construction: - family houses - thermal insulation - plasterboard work - reconstruction - bathroom renovation - masonry work

Work: - complete turnkey electrical installations - low-current and high-current distributions - electrical fire and security alarms. Construction: - lightning conductors.

Assembly and service - air conditioning - heat pumps - solar technology for water heating - inspection of fire dampers. Services - fire insulation - wiring.

We perform: - railway, road constructions - land, industrial and engineering constructions - water management structures - welding of rails - design and geodetic activity - rail freight transport

Painting and painting works - painting apartments, offices, schools, hospital facilities.

Services - earthworks. Mini excavator rental.

Reconstruction and construction of roofs - flat, gabled roofs. Another activity - insulation of the facade - comprehensive revitalization of apartment buildings.

Reconstruction of houses - masonry work - plasterboard works - insulation of facades - laying of floating floors - painting works - tiling works.

Production, assembly, repairs and reconstruction - pressure devices, boilers and pressure vessels - steam and hot water boilers - pipe systems. Activity - welding work - plumbing and insulation work - painting work - production, assembly and dismantling of steel structures.

Manufacture, installation and repair of electronic devices - electrical work - assembly of various electrovoltaic systems, internet networks and PCs.

Sales, repair, service: - computers - audiovisual technology Services: - design and construction of networks (cable and wireless) - network management - software development - hosting - electrical engineer work

Construction activity, construction: - land and engineering constructions - earthworks

Services: - construction activity - locksmith work

Laying interlocking paving. Modification and reconstruction of water courses. Garden improvements.

Services: - electrical installation - installation of electronic security systems, attendance systems

Production, assembly: - the kitchen - inbuilt wardrobe Reconstruction of bathrooms Work, crafts: - plasterboard - painting - masonry - tiling, paving - plumbing - heating - gas, gas installations - electrical - flooring

Assembly, repair, service, revision: - lightning rods - beer tanks - illuminated and non-illuminated advertisements, advertising shields Services: - accounting Brine economy.

Sales, installation of floor coverings: -parquets, mosaics, lamparquets - floor boards - PVC, linoleum, floating floors - renovation, sanding and painting. - epoxy floor systems