Flowers are beautiful decorations, whether it's flowers in the interior or in the exterior. Choice is a huge amount of different types, such as cut flowers or other ornamental flowers in pots. Right florist also offers production facilities, such as flower pots.

Horticulture/garden-tillage: - offer: - coniferous, deciduous trees and bushes/conifers - rampant and heathy plants - rose-bays - azalea - rock plants - perennial plants - ferns: - water and marshy - medicinal and balcony plants - decorative grass - fruit trees and bushes - roses: - tree, big flowers, polyanthes, mini, ...

Flower shop. Sale: -cut and potted flowers -candles - decorative ceramics -flower pots and packaging Custody: -bouquet. - wedding bouquet and decoration - mourning bond

Our family garden center Šváb offers a wide selection of fruit trees, conifers, shrubs, perennials, balcony plants and rockeries. It goes without saying that additional sales of fertilizers, substrates and other gardening supplies are also available. Our horticulture also includes a flower vase, where we will prepare various Christmas and ...