In the kitchen cannot do without flour, sugar and healthy fats. Get your therefore, the stocks of icing sugar and crystal sugar, smooth, polohrubou and coarse flour of wheat, spelt, or whole wheat, and the fats in the form of margarines, butter and vegetable and animal oils.

Production - gluten-free pastries Production - gluten-free foods and low-protein mixture products, flour, pasta

Retail, sales: - food - fruit vegetables - food supplements with mushroom - REISHI - investment gold and investment silver.

Wholesale, retail: - vegetables, fruits, food.

Wholesale, warehouse: - food, food products - fish, meat, fruit, vegetable preserves - DIA products (jams, compotes, wafers, nutrition, sterile. vegetables) - portioned assortment (jams, honey, butter, lemons, ketchup, mustard) - colonial goods (flour, sugar, oil, pasta, rice).

Branch. Supermarket. Sales, retail: - food - grocery store.

Retail, sales: - food - grocery store - cakes, desserts - confectionery products.

Branch. Retail, sales: - food - grocery store.

Shop. Retail, sales: - food. Headquarters: -Ostrava-Martinov, Na Hrázi 3228/2, telephone 596 948 232.

Branch. Supermarket. Sales, retail: - food - grocery store.

Sales, wholesale: - vegetable oil (rapeseed, sunflower, palm, linseed, sesame, jatropha oil).

International trade - commodities, export, import: - log wood (spruce, beech, oak, etc.) - Icumsa crystal sugar (big-bag, 50kg, 25kg, 1kg) - 100% refined sunflower oil - meat - chilled pork halves (origin-breeding BE, NL, DE, SK). Insurance: - property, persons - motor vehicles. Real estate agency.